jh901 wrote: 
> What is it, Ralph, that makes you this way? 

The statement being responded appears to is the following:

"The design of power supplies is so simple that it was one of the few
circuits that I learned about in the Electrical Engineering for
Non-Electrical Engineers course that I took in college."

> You've basically summed it all up right here.  You took a college
> course and now you are so informed that you feel enabled to dismiss a
> Mark Jenkins design. 

Well Ralph did what he did, but I followed my studies of electronics
through the Master's level and took PhD level classes in dynamic system
design which is includes many advanced studies in electronics.

I've worked as a professional in this area for over 50 years and it
still doesn't change my opinion and experience that designing and
building good power supplies for audio and everything else has gotten
easier and easier over the years. 

So this seems to be relevant - who is Mark Jenkens?


"The distinguishing characteristics of Antipodes Audio are its focus on
open-minded rigorous experimentation"

Where I come from that means that this guy subjects all of his work to
among other things both best practices technical testing and listening
tests, and the latter means the reliance on listening tests that avoide
the usual big mistakes that are still common in the more retrograde
areas of audio, which start out with causal audiophile sighted

But there seems to be no joy there!

> Would you like to speak with Mark?  I could likely arrange that.  He
> can explain his understanding of power supply design to you.  I can
> assure you that power supply design is extremely complex, particularly
> as it pertains to audiophile gear.

The world is full of people who would like to sell themselves as high
priests of audio, people who have the secret Gnostic understandings of
audio. Let them prove their points with reliable listening tests, I
always say. I've met dozens of these characters over the years going
back to Richard Marsh, John Curl, and Walt Jung.

Where can we find evidence that  Mark Jenkens is willing to subject
himself to the well-known disciplines of modern science?

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