jh901 wrote: 
> I don't necessarily have an argument against the notion that DSP+DRC can
> deliver good sound that is affordable to nearly everyone.  I can tell
> you for sure that I wouldn't anyone to believe for one second that it
> takes the investment I've made in order to create a rather special
> experience.  The 'music server + an all-in-one stereo speaker system'
> may very well may bring the home stereo system back into the mainstream.
> Wouldn't it be great if ten or twenty percent more families would spin
> records together rather than watching tv on those nights when "there's
> nothing good on"!?
> Finally, I can't permanently outright dismiss active room correction and
> DSP even in a "purist" system.  Times change and technology improves. 
> Mistakes are sometimes made along the way, but then there's a
> breakthrough.  I won't do myself any favors by sealing the door shut on
> methods to enhance the listening experience.

I would suggest *not dismissing the power of DRC at all*! IMO, it has
proven essential for me in listening these days. I think this is
especially true with stereo "audiophile" systems because there is only
one sweet spot; and that sweet spot can be made amazingly sweet!
Improved accuracy of frequency and time domain issues are very obvious -
more so than any DAC / amp / pre-amp change IMO. And infinitely more
beneficial than cable changes the way I see things.

I've actually been able to achieve some excellent sound even with the
free DRC software and back in the old days Inguz with Squeezebox so
there's no need to spend a ton of money to get some major benefits

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