I'm certainly not of the view that known science must be violated in
order for it to be true that there are audible differences between
speakers connected to a power amp with 12g OFC zip cord versus specialty
cable.  I don't know how skin effect comes into play, for example.  I'm
not one to ascribe to magic or blind faith, but I recognize that I'm
human.  I'm also an audiophile, but that doesn't mean that I'm among
those who are desperate to believe just about anything in order to
perceive an upgrade in sound quality.

I will not be earning a Phd in EE in this lifetime, but at the same time
at least I'm making an effort.  I am running 12g OFC zip cord from Radio
Shack and I'll be doing so for several weeks.  Hopefully, I'll be able
to engage in a proper blinded ABX at some point.

Cary Audio 306 SACD Pro | Cary Audio SLP-05 | Cary Audio SA-200.2 |
Focal Diablo Utopia III
__Acoustic treatment: DIY Cylinder Bass traps | "Rule of Thirds" for
speaker & sweet spot position
__Speaker Cables: Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval | Shunyata Venom series
power cords and power conditioning
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