jkeny wrote: 
> Classic responses - when home blind tests are questioned, there's
> usually an attempt to shift attention to sighted tests - as if this
> somehow validated the blind tests

The historical precedent for recognizing the egregious failings of
sighted evaluations goes back at least to 1977 and our first ABX tests.

I have to admit that at that time I didn't realize how biased the
sighted evaluations that I had done for more than the first third of my
life were, until I started doing blind tests. 

It was like lifting a veil from the listening experience.

The above statement by jkeny is an obvious attempt to deflect attention
from the egregious flaws of the sighted evaluations that for example
jkeny uses to promote his questionable USB DACs.  Just check his web
site - little or nothing but testimonials from people who rely on casual
sighted evaluations.

Anybody who relies exclusively on really bad science like casual sighted
evaluations to hawk his wares is casting grievous aspersions on his own
work whether he realizes it or not. He's basically admitting that fair
tests don't support his products' very existence.

arnyk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64365
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