jkeny wrote: 
> Just to clarify this statement "I have no idea whether Regen works"  -
> "works" is too vague a term - it could mean that when you turn on the
> power button that the electrical components are powered. So am I right
> in interpreting this statement of yours to mean - you have no idea
> whether the Regen provides an audible improvement to the many devices it
> has been reported to improve? 

Correct. I have repeatedly stated this. Proof is needed for anyone to

jkeny wrote: 
> Among the many devices it has been reported to improve are USB audio
> devices considered "quality". Please tell me how you reconcile this
> position with your statement "Most quality stuff these days is
> completely transparent, unless broken by design or otherwise"?

Sure. Things are reported every day. But just because they are reported
doesn't necessarily make them true. They might be, or they might not.
Some people report seeing UFOs. Does that proove the existence of UFOs?
No. But UFOs might still exist. Or not. Who knows? Proof is needed to
find out for sure. 

But it's also important to make another distinction. Probably most
reporters report their findings because they believe them to be true.
They are not evil people. Some might do it for other reasons, while
knowing it's not true.

Best Regards,

not often enough well recorded and mastered cds *|* dbpoweramp with
accuraterip *|* flac *|* fanless asrock z77e-itx intel i5-3570t *|*
ubuntu 12.04.1 lts 32-bit *|* lms 7.8.0 *|* brutefirdrc 3.0 (rewv5) *|*
transporter (balanced out) *|* thule ia252b *|* audio physic scorpio *|*
no fancy cables. *+* also some booms. *+* harmony 525s for them all,
including waking the server from s3.
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