Julf wrote: 
> Yes, I am sure you would be disappointed, but positive results in a
> sighted test only tell you that there *might* be differences, not that
> there actually are. I am sure you are familiar with the large number of
> cases where people have heard differences in sighted listening, only to
> find out that the switch box didn't actually switch anything.
> If there are audible differences identifies in the sighted listening,
> and the listeners can identify what they are and focus on them, they
> _*should_be*_ able to hear the differences in a double-blind situation
> too. Not only that, but the differences _*should_be*_ measurable too.

Here we have the first issue that I anticipated - accounting for the
difference between _*SHOULD_BE*_ & _*ARE*_.

There are many reasons why blind tests don't work & I'm not a fan of
home-administered blind testing - you have stated you are of the same
opinion. By & large I think they are worthless because there are so many
factors that negatively influence the results so that a null result is
invariably the outcome.

Although you have stated you agree with this you now are pushing for
acceptance of a home-administered blind test as of value without
addressing any of the pitfalls that make these tests worthless. Instead
you are suggesting that, even if the participants can consistently &
readily identify audible differences with the Regen in use, you will
disregard this evidence if blind tests (you don;t qualify them in any
way) show null results & measurements show no difference (highly likely)

Why not put some effort into suggesting how the blind test might be made
more likely to actual be a test of audibility & not a demonstration of
how easy it is to confuse auditory perception?

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