philippe_44 wrote: 
> Point taken, but although not being involved in these flame wars, I
> recently had to see them through the invasion of the "what's new"
> timeline that was eaten up by the audiophile sub-forum. 
> I think what is making the people with a scientific background (over)
> reacting is when some people are in denial of simple scientific facts on
> the principle "are you sure, there might be something you don't know,
> open up". I even admit that I'm jumping a bit when I see discussions
> like "a file transmitted by email sounded more echo-ish" ... well no,
> this is the same file and I can explain and demonstrate the theory of
> code correction.
> But there is nothing wrong to have a better experience with an equipment
> that looks more refined or that you took hours to setup and polish. It
> sounds better to you and this is not "imagination", this is just adding
> extra sensorial factors to the experience, but factors that have nothing
> to do with the sound characteristics. And the experience is unique, is
> yours.
> On another discussion, I was making the parallel with eating: I can make
> the (almost) exact same meal at the molecular level and serve it at the
> same T°. Now, if you serve this to me in a nice and quiet restaurant,
> nice plates and glasses, polite waiter on a cool summer evening, I will
> probably tell you that the food tastes much better than the same one
> served in a noisy place, in plastic plates & glasses and with a waiter
> throwing meal at my table - and it *does* taste better and that
> experience can be repeated as many times as you want. But that's me.
> Some might have no sensitivity to the loudness of the restaurant and
> won't see any difference.
> That would be as foolish from me to try to prove the difference by some
> effect at the food atomic level as it would be foolish to say that
> because things are the same at atomic level, then all of us have to feel
> the same eating experience/pleasure.
> This is not relativism of everything, but just recognition of the
> multi-factor aspect of listening experience whose only some part can be
> quantified, but at least let's not waste our time on arguing on the
> quantifiable parts when they are the same.

Philippe, you're a huge contributor to this ecosystem and for that you
have my utmost respect.  And I think you definitely get what I'm trying
to say.   I too am saddened by Jkeny's and Arny's relentless squabbles,
although I am rooting for JK to come out on top as at least he owns a SB
and is part of this community - kruger is here to fight only.  He's the
master baiter. 

Still, this behaviour doesn't have to be.  If you scorn homeopaths, you
don't go to a homeopath conference and start hollering about science. 
But if a homeopath comes to a research lab at a university and starts
yelling about how everyone's doing it wrong, well then - he's fair game.
And that's what's going on here.  Someone wants to chat about how
lifting his cables off the floor "removes veils" from the sound, or how
an emailed file sounds different... who is he hurting.  You and I know
it's bullshit, but why dogpile on him as these goons are doing?  If they
post nonsense in the General forum, well it's game on, but look at the
name of this sub-forum - AUDIOPHILES.  

This ralphy guy must have been beaten up by a gang of audio reviewers,
or maybe his wife cheated on him with an audiophile?  Who knows.  But
this behaviour of him and his buddies is truly irrational.  I come to
this forum every few days to see what's new with plugins, hardware,
software and the like.  As you stated, these flame wars are at the top
of the list.  But I can't blame Jkeny for responding to the thuggish
actions of the four or five goons who provoke and ridicule a harmless
affectation of those who want to play with wires and gear and talk about
it in the appropriate place.

To follow up with your analogy regarding food.  Say you spend $500 on a
hand-made, forged Japanese chef's knife.  You buy high-end waterstones
to polish and refine the edge, which you get down to one molecule and it
glows blue when Orcs are around.  You make a meal with this knife, and
-- as you said -- your pride in what you did makes it taste better. 
Wouldn't it suck to post this pride in your work on a forum and have a
bunch of cheerless wankers jump all over you saying you wasted your
money and that a $50 Wusthorf is as good?

Really, there's plenty of room on the internet for everyone.  Why spoil
the fun of others? 


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