ralphpnj wrote: 
> The Audiostream blog offers this little "pre" takedown of the Ars
> Technica Ethernet cable test:
> http://www.audiostream.com/content/trouble-audio-tests#5WUtFUSgOOb0s7uL.97
> A few comments:
> First if I remember correctly did not Archimago state that he has been
> banned from posting comments on the Audiostream site and if so, then I
> strongly suggest that Archimago contact Mr. Lavorgna and demand that
> this post quoting him by taken down at once.
> Second I love the way Lavorgna goes from using individual preferences
> being used as proof of questionable audible differences to individual
> preferences being, well, just individual preferences. The complete
> dismissal of statistical methods in favor of purely anecdotal evidence
> is remarkable. Dr. Oz would be proud.

Well. As they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity... :)

Saw a pop in my viewership numbers the other day and found out why.
Provides an opportunity for me to write a followup on his comments I
suppose even though I can't post anything on his page directly.

I'm not even sure he knows what he believes... Some kind of
"'methodological solipsism' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism)"?
(I think someone mentioned this already in another thread...)

> The theory of solipsism also merits close examination because it relates
> to three widely held philosophical presuppositions, each itself
> fundamental and wide-ranging in importance:
> 1. My most certain knowledge is the content of my own mind—my thoughts,
> experiences, affects, etc.
> 2. There is no conceptual or logically necessary link between mental and
> physical—between, say, the occurrence of certain conscious experience or
> mental states and the 'possession' and behavioral dispositions of a
> 'body' of a particular kind (see the brain in a vat).
> 3. The experience of a given person is necessarily private to that
> person.

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
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