Mnyb wrote: 
> OT If I could afford a model s I would get one , just waiting to see
> what model 3 or other electrical cars will be at in a couple of years ..
> IMO I think fossil fuel cars is the new CRT TV I would not buy one new
> it's worth 50$ on eBay in a couple of years .
> I think we are at the brink of a paradigm shift regarding cars .
We have all grown up expecting to pull into a filling station and be on
our way in a few minutes. So the paradigm shift needed for electric cars
to become mainstream is the discovery of some way to recharge them very
quickly. And that isn't ever going to happen: the Tesla S battery pack
is 60kWh, so if you want to recharge that in, say, 5 mins, you need to
feed it at 720 kW (assuming 100% efficiency) - utterly unrealistic.

I see only two practical alternatives to the internal combustion
1. All the manufacturers of electric vehicles standardise on a
quick-swap battery pack design so that you can arrive at a filling
station and exchange your empty battery pack for a pre-charged one.
2. Hydrogen-powered fuel cells. (This one gets my vote)
Both options require a massive investment in new equipment at filling
stations. It's going to be a long, slow process.

In the meantime, electric cars will be limited to things like commuting
and shopping.

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