cliveb wrote: 
> My diary is pretty full. Once you've settled on a date let me know by PM
> and I will be able to say whether I can make it.
> PS. I'm abroad on a golfing holiday for a week from this afternoon, so
> won't be able to respond until I get back.

Roger that.

I'm in no mad rush - my lounge is full of car stuff at the moment
(that's what happens when blokes live on their own :D ), so I really
need to do some clearing up to avoid tripping everyone up!

I'll certainly keep you in the loop. Hope you enjoy your holiday.

Incidentally, I've now realised that I won't need to use a 2nd
Transporter (which eliminates a potential variable), since the analogue
stages remain active when the digital outputs are enabled: all I need to
do is use the DAC volume control to ensure accurate signal level
matching. Bonus ball!

Dave :)

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