Wombat wrote: 
> I try to avoid being to serious besides the times when i enjoy entering
> a**hole mode.
> With the reminder i wanted to bring back your original mission, the
> Brokkoly DAC. You spent much time in replies without mentioning it.
> Cheers!

Hi Wombat!

We've actually hijacked this thread, but it had gone so spectacularly
off-topic before I intervened that I didn't think anyone would notice...

Just at this moment, I'm enjoying Ozawa's 1967 recording of Messiaen's
Turangalila (here's a circumflex missing there that I can't be bothered
to look for) Symphony which is something of an acquired taste so my
neighbours are probably disliking me more than usual if any of them are
in. No actual complaints though, so I'm pressing on.

Somewhat tragically from the sceptical objectivist viewpoint that I am
fending off, I still have to report that I'm enjoying it immensely &
hearing more clarity in its very dense & hectic soundstage than I
believe I've ever heard before. Could be retail therapy self-delusion of
course but since I'm in it for the musical experience I'm not really
that bothered.

As regards the dreaded rigorous audio double-blind trial, I'm still on
it. Have access to the equipment necessary to achieve 0.1dB (or
whatever) subliminal level matching but am realising that to do the
thing properly I'm going to have to make a switchbox since the only
thing I could find commercially available costs a ludicrous $1000
(before shipping, insurance & UK import duty/VAT), appears to be full of
active components I don't understand the need for, & only supports
unbalanced interconnects which is just not the way I roll.

I have sought expert assistance from a surprising source to try to
ensure I don't waste my time fabricating a dud.

I'm a bit concerned that the conventional wisdom seems to be to switch
sources within 20 seconds on the back of a theory that you can't
accurately remember any further back than that. I do feel that this
proviso is going to make it hard to establish an emotional connection to
the source material. In my personal view (hint: this is an opinion) a
solo piano piece is as much a test of equipment as a square wave & a lot
more engrossing. My concern is that we'll end up listening to the
electronics to the exclusion of the music which is not my normal focus.
Never mind, we can always try both short tones/snippets & longer musical
extracts: if it's double-blind & we repeat each trial sufficiently we
may still get some interesting results - I'll obviously keep the long &
short trials separate and treat them as two distinct overall tests.

No fixed timescale yet, but am talking to 2 other forum members with
regard to participation and would gladly welcome more.

Will keep you posted (probably on the other thread, can't believe this
one hasn't been shut down for total irrelevance yet). Do you know what
an Intona thingy is by any chance?

Dave :)

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