cliveb wrote: 
> Of course it hit #1 because of the reputation of its personnel, not
> because of its content. I recall being totally underwhelmed by it,
> despite having enjoyed a lot of Cream's output. Blind Faith was a
> classic example of a manufactured supergroup that failed to deliver.
> I doubt it. Record companies have a history of treating their inventory
> with utter disregard. Amazing when you think that the master tapes are
> their core assests. It wouldn't surprise me if most early generation
> copy masters of historic recordings that come to light are in the hands
> of individuals who were not employees of the record company itself but
> around the recording sessions and "liberated" a personal copy.
> A 45 year old early generation copy tape that's been hidden away by
> someone close to the artist is going to yield a better source than a
> later generation copy tape that's been slung in the record company's
> storage facility, even if the latter is 15 years younger.
> Or of course it could simply be that the 2001 release was prepared less
> competently than the 2014 release, as you hypothesise :)

I hear you, Clive, although I can't say I agree with your opinion on its
content. "Do What You Want" is a jam session filler, but "Presence Of
The Lord" still has many fans & speaking strictly for myself, I like the
bass riff in "Sea Of Joy".

Obviously we all like different things. That's a good thing.

Dave :)

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