Anyone else seen this? My giess is English wasn't the language it was originally written in.


Information for all users of Flarm, OEM FLARM supplier and Flarm PowerFlarm


As is already well known to all users pilots, FLARM introducing the new coding xxtea present in the latest versions of firmware released, has largely complicated life to all of us and to itself.

With the new release the whole package of 24 bytes used for the data is encrypted (the length of the data packet is actually 32 bytes, but the first 8 bytes are left in clear because they include the name of the station as well as the meaning of the content of rest of the data packet ).

With this letter we want to bring to the attention of all users as well as the competent aeronautical authorities the weak points of this new solution, but especially the incredible risks to which this technical choice of Flarm is exposesing all of us. These risks were detected after very accurate tests performed in private laboratories in consequence to the release of the current firmware adopted. FLARM very hardly will admit the existence of these bugs and failures that we are exposing in detail.

The following data are explained in such a way so that people have the skills and the instruments can verify the truth of what is below reported.

This subject is independent from the Flarm decision to encrypt the protocol in order to protect themselves from potential and possible competitors.

It is obvious that the encryption has been introduced for this protectionist purpose, because from a merely technical point the integrity of the data transmission was already well protected by natively incorporated algorithms within the Nordic chip used in the Flarm hardware. For those that desire more technical information on this chip, is possible to click the following link

http: // www . nordicsemi. com /eng/content/download/2452/29528/file/Product_Specification_nRF905_v1.5 .pdf

ALL manufacturers (except one) who claim to be "Flarm compatible" have inside EXACTLY the same hardware required by FLARM and they use the firmware released by FLARM (under payment of expensive license fee).

This behavior that we know from long time, is contrary to the principle of "development for competition" than in other fields has always given excellent results in technological development.

This behavior is especially contrary to the competition's principle that is mandatory by European rules for the sale of products to the public, it means that once people purchase products they should be functional and usable by the owner independently by firmware update. It's enough to think about Window as well as OS operating systems, that are fully compatible with earlier versions of software and operating systems used before.

But we want to come back to the description of the technical problems/issues , that is the main focus of this information.

The data package, which we have mentioned above, is broadcasted by FLARM units (it doesn't matter the licensed manufacturer) 2 times every second based on the internal clock of the GPS; the first transmission takes place in the first half of the "second", the second transmission in the second half.

For this reason, when the FLARM unit is receiving in RF (radio frequency) transmissions of FLARM installed on gliders nearby, and in addition these gliders are a lot, the available bandwidth in reception is saturated very quickly.

According to this situation when there are more traffic to be controlled/monitored, and thus the potential danger situations is increasing, the FLARM operates in the worst and most unreliable manner.

But unfortunally this is not the only technical problem source of malfunctioning . We've found a far more dangerous firmware bug we're going to detail below.

In order to complicate a possible decryption by third parties, the encryption key used by FLARM is not fixed anymore (as it was for the older version of the firmware) but is built with the code of the transmitting station and as well as with the GPS time of the first transmission moment ,and is changed every 64 seconds.

In addition to this during the 64 second interval, the data string transmitted change every second, because of the GPS position data updated is inside it.

The creator of the encryption code XXTEA says, and it is also reported by other cryptanalysts (see the articles by John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, and David Wagner from 2002 to 2004), that exist certain combinations of DATA and KEYS in the encryption code XXTEA that, for some coding schemes, are producing results that WILL NOT BE PROPERLY decrypted also using THE CORRECT KEY.

This means in simple terms that there could be the possibility that some gliders nearby, whose code was not properly decoded , remain invisible to the system for at least 64 seconds, in other words until the next creation of the encryption key.

Of course it could happen the opposite case to be ourselves in the glider that at that moment is not properly decrypted by nearby gliders ; so we are invisible to others for at least 64 seconds.

This behavior has been detected with precise laboratory instruments by simply recording the exchange of data between three FLARM units for 48 hours.

Another unreliability detected comes from the fact that when a glider flies underneath thick clouds and is at high bank angles , may occasionally lose the connection to the GPS network. In this situation, the firmware should transmit only the last certain position detected by the GPS, waiting to transmit the new one as soon as the GPS hangs up the signal. The new version of the firmware without the GPS signal stops transmitting and receiving. It is easy to understand this by disconnecting the GPS antenna of a FLARM unit in operation and observing the lights that indicate the transmission and reception are turning off. Moreover , it is clearly understood by the evidence that a second FLARM device stops receiving the signal of the first device.

For the reason that the current firmware version in the absence of GPS signal stops transmitting and receiving, if ,at the time of losing GPS signal while change of encryption key , that glider will again be invisible for 64 seconds .

We report and highlight all this, a technical denial evidence based on irrefutable arguments, to loudly state that the decision of FLARM to encode the data packet using the encrypting code XXTEA, is generating flying situations that will put even more in danger OUR SAFETY, instead of protecting it, as it should be with the use of such a device.

At this point it is quite easy to say that the decision of FLARM is exclusively oriented to maintain an unlawful monopoly, for personal gain, in absolute disregard of the safety of FLARM users.

We affirm that is impossible to think the FLARM when issuing the new firmware version with the new encryption in March 2015, did not know what risks and unreliability exposed his system.

We say in all honesty that a collision avoidance system such as the one created by FLARM was certainly a great idea for the increased safety of pilots , but the search for more profit and the defense of its own unsustainable monopoly on the market through the continuous evolution of firmware only for protectionist purposes has brought today, with the latest firmware, to a situation in which this security is certainly not guaranteed, even though the FLARM devices are installed properly and working fine.

In light of these information, which we submit to the whole world of pilots, we wonder how could the relevant national and international aviation bodies (EASA first, then the French and other federations) push for the adoption of the current Flarm monopoly systems in everyday use and especially in competitions.

This information is therefore intended to attract interest for institutions, authorities and personalities involved in the flight's regulation , in order to arrive to the imposition of a public non-encrypted protocol.

This solution guarantee an excellent and reliable operation of FLARM units produced up to now, because no longer burdened by unnecessary decryption calculations, would guarantee in terms of competition the possibility of diversify the quality of the different vendors' solutions through different software developments management of traffic information received with the public protocol.

The aforementioned technical info are absolutely replicable and verifiable by anyone who has available the appropriate equipment and technical skills.

We hope with this letter ,we made a contribution to the safety growth of the flying community .

Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring instrumentation since 1978
tel:   07 4635 5784     overseas: int+61-7-4635 5784
mob: 042835 5784                :  int+61-42835 5784
P O Box 4607, Toowoomba East, QLD 4350, Australia  
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