Dear Stuart,
Below is the South Australian exemption for glider trailers taken verbatim
(sic) from the South Australian Government Gazette of 7/12/2000 page 3454.
It is identical to the Victorian exemption which it followed and I assume
all other States and Territories did.
If a trailer fits within this exemption you should be OK anywhere in Oz.
If it does'nt and you have to get a "special exemption" it will probably
only apply in the State or Territory in which the "special exemption" is
If what I surmise is correct ASH 25's, Stemmes and other like gliders will
have to fly wherever they go out of the State of their trailer registration.


Exemption for Trailers Transporting Gliders to have a Rear Overhang of up to
5  m

PURSUANT to the provisions of section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961, I,
T. N. Argent, Executive Director, Transport SA, as an authorised delegate of
the Minister for Transport and Urban Planning, hereby exempt, trailers
fitted with a single axle or one axle group which are built specifically for
the purpose of transporting gliders:

       From the following provisions of the Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards)
Rules 1999:

              .  Rule 20-Compliance with third edition Australian Design
Rules, but only in so far as it relates to Australian Design Rule
Rear Overhang. All other requirements under Rule 20 must be complied with;

              .  Rule 70 (3)-Rear Overhang.

       Subject to the following conditions:

              1. This notice or a legible copy shall be carried by the
driver of the vehicle at all times when operating under this exemption and
be produced when requested by an inspector appointed under the Road Traffic
Act 1961 and/or the Motor Vehicles Act 1959, or a Police Officer.

              2. That the trailer is fitted only with a single axle or one
axle group.

              3. That the rear overhang, measured from the centre of the
trailer axle or axle group to the rearmost point of the trailer or rearmost
point of any load carried on the trailer, shall not exceed 5 m.

              4. That the width of the load carrying area or body of the
trailer shall not exceed 2 m, if the rear overhang, measured from the centre
of the trailer axle or axle group to the rearmost point of the trailer or
any load carried on the trailer, exceeds 3.7 m in length.

              5. That the overall length of the trailer measured from the
point of articulation of the trailer and the towing vehicle to the rearmost
point of the trailer or rearmost point of any load carried on the trailer,
shall not exceed 12.2 m.

              6. That the trailer shall only be used for the purpose of
transporting gliders and any accessories associated with the sport of
gliding or for empty travel.

              7. That if the rear load area of the trailer is longer than
the front load area there shall be a positive downward force on the towing
vehicle's tow coupling in the static condition.

       Notes:   The overall length of the towing vehicle and trailer
combination including any load shall not exceed 19 m.

                     That the distance from the point of articulation of the
trailer and the towing vehicle to the centre of the trailer axle or axle
group shall not exceed 8.5 m.

T. N. Argent, Executive Director, Transport SA

 Christopher McDonnell
"Womma Mu Kurta"
Mount Barker Springs
South Australia
61 8  8391 0482

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stuart & Kerri Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia."
Sent: Sunday, 23 November 2003 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: [Aus-soaring] registering trailers

> At the other end of this nightmare, 6 months ago I transferred
> on our glider trailer from NSW to ACT. I took it to the local "Approved
> Inspection
> Station" who did not have a clue about the box. He defined it as a "Goods
> Trailer",
> accepted that it meet all the local rules because it was currently
> registered in NSW,
> and I was in and out in 30 minutes. I had replaced all the light lenses to
> make it look
> as if I had done something to it.
> I have since been pulled over by our local friendly traffic police
> he drops into
> the airfield from time to time for a chat, and he was more interested how
> got the glider
> into the trailer.
> However very soon my club will have to get our second hand Cobra trailer
> through ACT rego. This
> one is currently on a ship between Singapore and Sydney, with a brand new
> DG303 Acro inside it.  Obviouly there will be no local rego. Anyone got
> clues or advise on problems we may face getting this through local
> authorities?
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Christopher Mc Donnell
> Sent: Sunday, 23 November 2003 09:30
> To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
> Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] registering trailers
> I wonder if there are any S 92 (Constitution) issues with States not
> recognising each others (special) exemptions re vehicles travelling
> interstate. Short of that, it would seem that some national representative
> bodies need to do some work on it, e.g. Farmers Federation, Rowing, GFA
> others.
> They are the only ones to have the clout to be listened to.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Emilis Prelgauskas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia."
> Sent: Saturday, 22 November 2003 9:32 AM
> Subject: [Aus-soaring] registering trailers
> > My 2c worth
> >
> > The Bulletin No.1 issued by VicRoads I believe had the involvement of
> > (John Ashford?). The road authorities were concerned that long trailers
> had
> > poor corner swing characteristics (unacceptable tracking into corner
> > wheel axle group and outside radius swing of the trailer rear end). The
> > Bulletin reflected the road authorities on paper assessments and how far
> > they were prepared to accept glider trailers being safe in these
> > Much as the rowing skulls and trailer sailor boats limits.
> > 5m rear overhang from centre line of axle group, an extension from the
> > normal 3.7m limit for trailers. Also limits on car+trailer length
> > and so on.
> >
> > Similar rules were subsequently promulgated in other states, as this is
> > dealt with at state level.
> >
> > Some gliders of course don't fit.
> > Older single wing types (ES-52, ES-57, ES-59)
> > Open Class with long fuselages (ASH25) or long wing panels (IS32), or
> > (Stemme)
> > These all exceed the limits derigged, usually in rear overhang. (I have
> > interest in 4 on the list above, hence the personal interest)
> >
> > (Internationally this is nothing new. While in the EU each country had
> > traditional individual trailer laws, German pilots crossing Italy each
> year
> > were paying road fines for taking their gliders to comps for not having
> > compliant trailers to Italian law)
> >
> > In S.A. for these, individual permits were initially available.
> > Then these were slated for withdrawal ('surely you've reworked your
> trailer
> > to comply by now' says the desk driving beauracrat)
> >
> > So we talk about indivisible loads, or would the beauracrat like to
> explain
> > himself at a coronial aviation inquiry because he made me put a chainsaw
> > through my wing (ie the precedence of federal law over state law), and
> on.
> >
> > Currently individual permits are being 3 year renewed (so we can have
> > same debate with new desk drivers each 3 year rotation). As previously
> noted
> > on this list, the permit has no validity outside the state of issue.
> > [which brings us to the plight of farmers having acreage across state
> > borders and moving machinery where top, side, length overhang laws vary]
> >
> > The answer is of course obvious. Buy only a compliant glider/trailer.
> > do you mean you buy the glider on its performance characteristics.
> > irrelevant; we're doing this in your best interests you know.
> >
> >
> > Similarly, we're unlikely to see a VW Beetle towing an ES-52 on its
> trailer
> > at a vintage car rally (early AGs show such combinations as the norm),
> > because of modern max tow limit laws for cars and hitches.
> >
> > >From my work world experience, the primary growth industry in the last
> > decades seems to have been endless desk drivers writing endless new
> > which create so many anomolous situations which then have to be dealt
> > by having more desk drivers writing more rules. Never ending employment
> > opportunities; no skill required.
> >
> > I'm told by my earthmoving mates (during smoko while we were taking one
> hump
> > out of my strip) that the police are less involved than Dept of Roads
> > inspectors for whom all this is core business, including inspecting the
> load
> > tiedowns under another set of rules (no, being an enclosed box does not
> > relieve you of the chain and ratchet tension on all corners and across
> > body securing rules - another time when complying is more important than
> > what damage you might do to the aviation approved device in the process
> > complying).
> > --
> > Emilis Prelgauskas
> >
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> > Aus-soaring mailing list
> >
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