By whom, and by who's criteria? In the context of my post it is by the ATSB
using their criteria.

I have previously stated my reasons why I disagree with Robert Hart's
position and nothing that has been stated since persuades me to change my

I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories and am of the opinion (formed
through 27 years in gliding) that the current GFA system works.  If the ATSB
could be convinced to change its attitude to sport aviation accident
investigation then the reports may just become available (but don't count on

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Friday, 29 April 2005 11:12 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Safety and GFA

Christopher H Thorpe wrote:

>....... where deemed appropriate.
By whom, and by who's criteria ?
This is the problem.
I totally agree with Robert Hart's position on this.
We need access to the raw data / reports, no iff's, no but's, no maybe's.
There are almost certainly many nuances that can be telling that get
filtered out, probably too many.
It is a bit like looking at a small company's financial report (bowling
club), as published for the members / shareholders, and then going into the
office (as a club director) and ordering the office girl to bring up the
full chart of accounts on the computer, to check on the "real story" behind
a bullet point note at the bottom of the public report from an auditor.
VERY illuminating, let me tell you.
I fear the same thing may be happening with our current procedures.


Peter Creswick
Land Line  02 9718 4841
Mobile/SMS 0401 758 025

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