On Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:11:50 +1000, Robert Hart wrote:
>DDSC uses the Linux firewall/server to run an intranet web server
>mail server etc). I am currently writing scripts to acquire and load
>to the web server wx data from BoM and elsewhere so that we have that
>immediately available without having to download them from the web
>sites. Whilst we have a satellite broadband link, this will help keep
>down the data costs.
The SAGA winter lecture series recently included a trip to the Adelaide BoM centre arranged by Jiohn Hudson, look thru their computer suite/radar sources there, and presentation by Peter Webb.
He referred to the 2001 computer generated daily thermal projection mapping for the contest area done for the Worlds at Gawler.
That such detail might be able to be made available on web regularly, but the gliding movement would need to fund the upfront set up/annual running charge
I seem to recall $3k/$1.5k/ann were the figures for that contest area, which encompasses much of South Australia used by glider pilots.
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