We paid for every cent of the infrastructure, ie, all the super computers 
and all of the other BoM infrastructure, and the scientists that produce the 
global models from which all those forecasts etc are produced.  Billions in 
investment, and millions in ongoing costs, all funded by, all of us.  BoM 
produces a huge range of information from all that, that should be available 
to all of us.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Peter Creswick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] weather data

> Peter Creswick wrote:
>> You must be kidding !
>> Unfortunately, you are not.
>> That sounds like standard public service thinking now doesn't it,
> I think you're oversimplifying a bit.
> The BoM gets tens of millions of dollars per annum from the aviation
> industry.  Qantas and Virgin Blue basically fund all the TAFs at pissant
> little airports that they're never even going to fly over, much less
> visit.  When the BoM is producing an aviation service, they need to
> give heed to the org who is paying for it, because the commercial airlines
> are fully aware of how much they're paying and what they're getting for
> it.
>> especially when their political masters say nothing for nothing (all the
>> while discounting the tiny fact that WE - AS TAX PAYERS - have ALREADY
>> paid for it !!).
> And now you're oversimplifying a lot.
> The BoM has a public interest role, in that it produces weather forecasts
> which save peoples' lives and livelihoods, just like the Government and
> the taxpayers expect.
> It also has a commercial role, in that it produces resources which
> most people couldn't give a rat's arse about, and therefore don't want to
> pay for.
> There's a lot of merging between those two groups (e.g., Qantas paying
> for TAFs used by PPL holders -- altruistic, eh?)
> But despite the grey area in the middle, the separation between the
> two functions still exists.
> If you want the forecasts, you'll need to pay for them.  The BoM's
> commercial arm isn't a charity, and your apparent sense of entitlement
> is misplaced.
>   - mark
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
> ----- Voice: +61-4-1620-2223 ------------- Fax: +61-8-82356937 -----
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