At 08:21 AM 23/10/2008, you wrote:

"That's a bargain compared to the ETS which will be not
 only ineffective but positively harmful."

Even if I believed that a little extra CO2 was a problem I'd be worried about an ETS that is simply going to move the generation offshore where the amount of CO2 per useful unit of energy is likely to be higher than in Australia.

I'm happy to support a 50% + reduction in Australian CO2 emissions by 2023. This is simple to do and completely within current technological capabilities. Just replace all coal fired base load electricity generation with nuclear, build extra capacity to replace the peak load gas fired turbines and shed the extra to water desalinators when not required for the grid. When I see this plan being pushed by the greenies we'll all know they are serious.

Your ignorance can be cured with a little study.

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