Not forgetting the only way to make flying completely safe is to ban it completely

Training that doesn't demonstrate how to avoid and if all else fails to recover from situations that kill many would be lacking. The idea being that the instructor through greater experience will prevent the situation getting beyond them and react in more than enough time.

Should an instructor fail to do so does not mean the system is broken, but that the particular instructor pushed their own abilities too far.

During my training the thing that was drummed home more than anything else was to act to take control long before a situation was getting away from me.

btw: I have lost many more friends through sailing than I have through gliding (note I say friends as effectively removes the numbers participating from the comparison) .

On 23/10/2008, at 11:19 , Mark Newton wrote:

On 23/10/2008, at 10:16 AM, Mike Borgelt wrote:

So why are they seen so frequently in the accidents?

Might it be because they're a self-selected population of people who fly
more often, and hence expose themselves to risks more often?

It likely isn't that what they are teaching is wrong but that the teaching is ineffective or incomplete.

Entirely possible, Mike.  But how does switching to a different
administrative system help?  And do you think that the CASA syllabus
is "effective" and "complete"?

It must have some gaps in it, otherwise light twins wouldn't do
wheels-ups on the main runway at Adelaide International;  and B737
drivers wouldn't file a couple of incident reports per year about
go-arounds after accidentally lining up for final approach on Anzac

What would you do to make it "effective" and "complete" other than
switch it to a different administrative system?

 - mark

I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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