
          Your actions on this occasion was totally appropriate - outlanding
35km from the nearest occupied house on a 45 degree day

without communications could very quickly turn into a distress situation.







[] On Behalf Of Derek
Sent: Monday, 16 November 2009 8:35 AM
To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] personal locator beacons


Wouldn't the emergency frequency be a more appropriate use in that situation
than a locator beacon, unless Ian was injured?

When flying from Keepit a couple of years ago I landed next to a house that
turned out to be abandoned in the middle of nowhere (to the south west). I
had no mobile coverage (Optus nor Telstra), could not raise anyone on any of
the glider frequencies, nor on the area frequency. I dialled up on the
emergency frequency and got a passing jumbo to relay my coordinates and the
fact that I was safe. Although I got a bit of a ribbing the next day, it
saved an emergency being declared and an expensive search being performed.

It turns out I was 35km from the nearest occupied house, on a 45 degree day.





-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ian Mc Phee
Sent: Sunday, 15 November 2009 10:53 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] personal locator beacons


Stuart + others


Well it is a pity we have such a law as CAR 252A (without reading it) as I
would consider all aviators should be encouraged not discouraged (high
Aussie price and a requirement to register in AUS) to carry a beacon no
matter where it is registered.  If just one beacon saves an expensive search
paid for by the AUS government and that would save tens of thousands of
dollars.  The only difference I can see between the USA  McMurdo Fastfind
and that sold in Australia is the waterproof pouch and I do not consider
that a high priority for gliding and RAAus aircraft..  


I can always remember the night Ian Jacobs went missing north of Narromine
20+ years ago.  A Twin from Hazelton searched for many hours that night.  If
an extra $2.20 had been spent at time of radio installation to give a press
button to light up the display of his radio so he could see the frequencies
$10K would have been saved


Ever since that every radio harness I have ever made (100 to 200 I guess)
includes a DSE japan made press switch .which lights up radio display (pin 8
in Microair and Xcom via button to +ve).  I urge all that have Xcom,
Microair, Becker and Dittel next winter power up their back light for such
an emergency if they do not have it now    .  


I can say NOAA post you a sticker and nice letter AND it is received within
5 days of registering beacon on line.All contact numbers are recorded as
Australian numbers and can be updated on thenet at any time. Also I can say
McMurdo fastfind is a very suitable unit for glider use and this day and age
of a world market (ebay etc) I do think people should do not be discouraged
to get one based on price. I do know many yacht friends are buying same
while they are in USA and bringing them back here to register with NOAA!!.  


I would say to all buy one in Australia but if not buying because of price
get one in USA for almost 1/2 the price (about$350) and if a sailor buy the
waterproof pouch.


Ian McPhee 


Well he informs me he had to give up his USA citizenship when he became in
"the government of a foreign power" and this fact causes him heaps of grief
at the USA border as it is not the done thing to refuse a US passport if you
are born there.


2009/11/12 Stuart & Kerri Ferguson <>


     If your friend is who I think he is, he also holds dual USA/Aust


I am not going to dig down into the politics; there are many people out
there carrying Distress Beacons who do not have to by law; bush walkers, 4WD
etc, many govt and private sector  employers provide them as PPE for field


Then there are the activities that you are required to carry one by law, and
for example in aviation  CAR 252A requires an Australian compliant beacon
that is registered with AMSA.

With the development of new equipment such as GPS trackers these types of
requiments may change in time, that will be a political argument


Stuart Ferguson


Sent from iPhone

0419 797508

On 11/11/2009, at 23:16, Ian Mc Phee <> wrote:

A friend of mine ex USA got a McMurdo Fastfind with GPS when in USA and
registered it in USA with his local address.  When he was in USA again he
got another and at the then exchange rate.  cost $A363 posted to hotel in
USA.  You can register same on the  USA web site and you get back an email
with "We realize you live outside United States...........but we accept your
registration....." within 24 hours


Sticker comes in post 2 weeks later and remember USA have yachts in the for
corners of the world and a few Aussies means nothing to them. I gather in 22
months they send email/SMS/letter asking you to re register.  So US taxpayer
is covering costs for aussies probably,$2 for posting a letter. 


Ian M  



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