There is no conspiracy here but I admit it is a bit Pythonish!

To fly gliders in Australia one only needs to comply with CAO 95.4. For GFA
members, there is no requirement to hold a licence in order to fly gliders.
You don't even need a GPC to fly gliders unless you want to exercise the
privileges allowed to GPC holders.

For non GFA-member pilots, all they need to do is apply to CASA as per CAO
95.4, paragraph 5.1(a)(ii).

The CASA Glider pilot licence introduced by Part 61 is solely designed to
facilitate the recognition of Australian glider pilots wishing to have their
GFA GPC qualification recognised overseas.  

The GFA GPC is the only certificate issued by GFA that is recognised by CASA
as compliant with ICAO Annex 1 and is the minimum requirement to get a CASA
GPL.  Currently most National Aviation Administration Authorities (NAAAs)
only recognise licences issued by the NAAA of ICAO member states. 

The new CASA GPL is expected to make it easier for Australian pilots to
obtain overseas qualifications and overcome past difficulties experienced by
many of our pilots.


Christopher Thorpe
Executive Manager, Operations | Gliding Federation of Australia (ABN 82 433
264 489) | Level 1, 34 Somerton Road | Somerton | Victoria 3062
M: +61 4 1447 6151 | E: | w:

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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Simon
Sent: Monday, 1 September 2014 3:09 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Competition licenses - the emperor has no clothes

Just want to call out one other thing from the thread that I have just had
confirmed separately.

The Australian CASA Glider Pilot License doesn't allow a pilot to fly a
Glider in Australia.


Its 2014. Why can't we live in a place where the GFA issues (or authorises)
Glider Pilot Licenses for Australian glider pilots to fly Australian Gliders
with (including ... in Australia)? 

I'm not bothered about an underlying requirement to be a GFA member in good
standing (or to be separately authorised by CASA) if that floats the GFA's

Rather, I'm talking about the crazy notion that the outcome of doing
everything right in the GFA system isn't an outcome where one can be a pilot
licensed to fly a glider with a license to fly a glider called a Glider
Pilot License - and where such a thing now exists but it doesn't actually
work in the country of issue.

I actually *have* a US glider license of precisely that form (a US pilots
license with 'Glider' as an endorsement on it). I don't see that cramping
the style of glider pilots in the USA. Quite the opposite, actually. 

I'm not really interested in how we got precisely here.

I'm interested in what possible reason the GFA would have, today, to *not*
to support the notion of a Glider Pilot License as something routinely
issued to Australians to let them fly gliders in Australia - and for that to
be the thing that people get issued with routinely (when, for instance, they
achieve Silver C standard). 

Is there actually a valid reason for this state of affairs (as opposed to
'thats just not how we roll, son...') why this isn't the case - or why it
shouldn't become the case? 

In other words, if I have a CASA issued Glider Pilot License, what,
precisely, makes it unable to be sufficient to be permitted to fly a glider
here (assuming one has a valid and current flight review)? 

I apologise for not having (yet) dug up the shiny new 1st September-onward
regulations that govern the Glider Pilot License (and as already noted, CASA
haven't yet actually published the application form on their web site
either). But do those legally engaged regulations actually say that you
can't use a Glider Pilot License to... fly a glider with?  

Coming at this cold, honestly, this reads like a Monty Python script :)


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