And  "......obtain overseas qualifications......"
Did you mean have an Australian Licence recognised overseas unreservedly?
Otherwise it is not worth much.


Sent from my iPad

> On 1 Sep 2014, at 8:44 pm, "Christopher Thorpe" <> wrote:
> Chris, GFA wanted a way to make it easy for its members to get their 
> Australian qualifications recognised overseas.  It has achieved this with the 
> assistance of CASA.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Christopher 
> McDonnelll
> Sent: Monday, 1 September 2014 7:52 PM
> To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
> Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Competition licenses - the emperor has no clothes
> Yes, Christopher.
> What is the agenda/reasoning? GFA's or CASA's.
> Chris
> Sent from my iPad
> On 1 Sep 2014, at 7:02 pm, Mike Borgelt <> 
> wrote:
> Very nice, now why don't you answer Simon's question?
> Mike
> At 06:40 PM 1/09/2014, you wrote:
> There is no conspiracy here but I admit it is a bit Pythonish!
> To fly gliders in Australia one only needs to comply with CAO 95.4. For GFA
> members, there is no requirement to hold a licence in order to fly gliders.
> You don't even need a GPC to fly gliders unless you want to exercise the
> privileges allowed to GPC holders.
> For non GFA-member pilots, all they need to do is apply to CASA as per CAO
> 95.4, paragraph 5.1(a)(ii).
> The CASA Glider pilot licence introduced by Part 61 is solely designed to
> facilitate the recognition of Australian glider pilots wishing to have their
> GFA GPC qualification recognised overseas.  
> The GFA GPC is the only certificate issued by GFA that is recognised by CASA
> as compliant with ICAO Annex 1 and is the minimum requirement to get a CASA
> GPL.  Currently most National Aviation Administration Authorities (NAAAs)
> only recognise licences issued by the NAAA of ICAO member states. 
> The new CASA GPL is expected to make it easier for Australian pilots to
> obtain overseas qualifications and overcome past difficulties experienced by
> many of our pilots.
> Regards
> Christopher Thorpe
> Executive Manager, Operations | Gliding Federation of Australia (ABN 82 433
> 264 489) | Level 1, 34 Somerton Road | Somerton | Victoria 3062
> M: +61 4 1447 6151 | E: | w:
> This email transmission may contain confidential or privileged information
> that is intended only for the individual or entity named in the email
> address.  If you are not the intended recipient, please be aware that any
> disclosure, copying, distribution or reliance upon the contents of this
> email is strictly prohibited.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Simon
> Hackett
> Sent: Monday, 1 September 2014 3:09 PM
> To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
> Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Competition licenses - the emperor has no clothes
> Just want to call out one other thing from the thread that I have just had
> confirmed separately.
> The Australian CASA Glider Pilot License doesn't allow a pilot to fly a
> Glider in Australia.
> Its 2014. Why can't we live in a place where the GFA issues (or authorises)
> Glider Pilot Licenses for Australian glider pilots to fly Australian Gliders
> with (including ... in Australia)? 
> I'm not bothered about an underlying requirement to be a GFA member in good
> standing (or to be separately authorised by CASA) if that floats the GFA's
> boat. 
> Rather, I'm talking about the crazy notion that the outcome of doing
> everything right in the GFA system isn't an outcome where one can be a pilot
> licensed to fly a glider with a license to fly a glider called a Glider
> Pilot License - and where such a thing now exists but it doesn't actually
> work in the country of issue.
> I actually *have* a US glider license of precisely that form (a US pilots
> license with 'Glider' as an endorsement on it). I don't see that cramping
> the style of glider pilots in the USA. Quite the opposite, actually. 
> I'm not really interested in how we got precisely here.
> I'm interested in what possible reason the GFA would have, today, to *not*
> to support the notion of a Glider Pilot License as something routinely
> issued to Australians to let them fly gliders in Australia - and for that to
> be the thing that people get issued with routinely (when, for instance, they
> achieve Silver C standard). 
> Is there actually a valid reason for this state of affairs (as opposed to
> 'thats just not how we roll, son...') why this isn't the case - or why it
> shouldn't become the case? 
> In other words, if I have a CASA issued Glider Pilot License, what,
> precisely, makes it unable to be sufficient to be permitted to fly a glider
> here (assuming one has a valid and current flight review)? 
> I apologise for not having (yet) dug up the shiny new 1st September-onward
> regulations that govern the Glider Pilot License (and as already noted, CASA
> haven't yet actually published the application form on their web site
> either). But do those legally engaged regulations actually say that you
> can't use a Glider Pilot License to... fly a glider with?  
> Coming at this cold, honestly, this reads like a Monty Python script :)
> Regards,
> Simon
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