First, thank to all who answered.  Next, see below...

On 29/10/13 20:14, Andre Klärner wrote:
On Tue 29.10.2013 19:42:59, Paweł Rumian wrote:
2013/10/29 Eugen Dedu <>:
On 29/10/13 14:31, Paweł Rumian wrote:

Most of the tasks that you've mentioned above are perfectly doable by
simple programs that adhere to Unix philosophy (that 'do one thing
good' one).
No worries.

Couldn't agree move. For me the gnome-sound-applet does the trick for
controlling the master pulseaudio volume, and everything else is done using

gnome-sound-applet does not exist anymore. Using amixer sset (it is beautiful to use the notification for that cf. has a bug where it does not unmute, see

(Until now, I spent ~10 hours with awesome and has not finished yet!)

Well, I noticed several people are happy with that.  But I am too habituated
to have some applications at fixed size and at fixed locations, and minimise
them when I do not need them.

Perhaps you are among those people who would never adopt to tiling,
but honestly speaking, I doubt it.
Instead of minimizing applications, just switch to a fresh tag...

Yeah, that might take a little getting used to. I also starting using
mostly two or three tags like I did with workspaces under gnome. But now I
always have 10-15 tags open, each with it's specific set of applications.

I do not really understand how to use tags. My work flow involves the use of emacs, always open at left, with agenda and various "post-it" notes (random thoughts), thunderbird at the left half of the screen (minimised except when reading e-mail), firefox at the right half, and two terminals at bottom left and right, always opened. All these apps do not change position. From terminals I start applications (pdf viewer etc.) which float anywhere on the screen.

When I have not done with an application (read half of a pdf doc for ex.) and have to swith to other things, I minimise it. Thus, I have it always in the eyes, as if it were in the TODO list.

I have never more than ~10 windows opened, since it becomes too complex to manage for me; I prefer working on 1-3 things at a time.

So what the tags can improve in this work flow? (The only thing I see to optimise is that often I open/minimise thunderbird to check messages or start an e-mail.)

Well, I still use gnome-terminal, so the settings are the same as in gnome.
Still, in gnome there was a bell, now there is not.  And "terminal bell" is
checked on in terminal settings.

Hmm, a bit strange... Perhaps Gnome configured sound system in some
way at start?
Do you have any sounds at all? I guess you might need to take a llok
at alsa/pulseaudio/whatever else is there...

I'd guess it's some kind of xbelld thing within gnome.

Have not yet found a solution for that.


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