On Tue 29.10.2013 19:42:59, Paweł Rumian wrote:
> 2013/10/29 Eugen Dedu <eugen.d...@pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr>:
> > On 29/10/13 14:31, Paweł Rumian wrote:
> Most of the tasks that you've mentioned above are perfectly doable by
> simple programs that adhere to Unix philosophy (that 'do one thing
> good' one).
> No worries.

Couldn't agree move. For me the gnome-sound-applet does the trick for
controlling the master pulseaudio volume, and everything else is done using

> After some time icons seem to be absolutely redundant when you have
> command line with tab completion just one keystroke away.
> Screensaver? Take this, in 7kb there aren't many things that could
> interfere with other programs
> http://tools.suckless.org/slock

Or back to the good old xscreensaver which has the coolest hack ever: xmatrix ;)

> > I exaggerate a bit, but it is like now we cannot buy assembled computers
> > anymore.  One has to choose each of the pieces to have a computer.  It is
> > useful to have customisation, but is there a customisation ready to use,
> > familiar to people coming from a desktop manager?
> For me it would be like buying an already-built LEGO model ;)
> Assembling your own desktop environment can be fun...

Oh, and what a fun it is.

> > Well, I noticed several people are happy with that.  But I am too habituated
> > to have some applications at fixed size and at fixed locations, and minimise
> > them when I do not need them.
> Perhaps you are among those people who would never adopt to tiling,
> but honestly speaking, I doubt it.
> Instead of minimizing applications, just switch to a fresh tag...

Yeah, that might take a little getting used to. I also starting using
mostly two or three tags like I did with workspaces under gnome. But now I
always have 10-15 tags open, each with it's specific set of applications.

> > Well, I still use gnome-terminal, so the settings are the same as in gnome.
> > Still, in gnome there was a bell, now there is not.  And "terminal bell" is
> > checked on in terminal settings.
> Hmm, a bit strange... Perhaps Gnome configured sound system in some
> way at start?
> Do you have any sounds at all? I guess you might need to take a llok
> at alsa/pulseaudio/whatever else is there...

I'd guess it's some kind of xbelld thing within gnome.


Andre Klärner

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