Good morning everyone
I am not a master planning or production expert so not sure if my
requirement is available in std AX. If it is not I would for sure appreciate
hearing from anyone who has considered or managed to address the
What I need to be able to do is group all production orders for a given
sales order so that master planning plans them all for the same start date.
So if I have 10 production orders that master planning treats them as one
and works out the latest delivery date of any of the 10s components and then
plans that all 10 will start at that time (even if for some of the
production orders master planning can see they could start earlier).  Of
course following on from this would be to have all the planned purchase
orders suggested based on the start date of the grouped production order etc
I believe this is quite a difficult thing to do but would like to know if
there is anyway (std or otherwise)

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