----- Original Message -----
From: "Anne Thomas Manes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 18:44
Subject: RE: Document style web services

> - JAXM was launched in June 2000. Originally it was an
>   API for ebXML. Only later (once ebXML had adopted SOAP
>   as a basic framework) did they make it work with SOAP.
>   (But JAXM still doesn't support WSDL.)
> - JAX-RPC wasn't launched until February of 2001
>   (after ebXML had adopted SOAP).
> - JAXR is based on the ebXML registry data model rather
>   than the UDDI data model.
> - Sun doesn't include JWSDL in the list of XML APIs on
>   www.jcp.org or in the JWSDP. (But then IBM lead the
>   JWSDL JSR, not Sun.) <kick, stamp, pout>
>     (I apologize -- I've became very disillusioned
>     watching Sun act like a spoiled child)

its good to hear this history -and more evidence that the JCP program is
(sadly) flawed.

> But perhaps the tide has turned.
> Sun has started working with SOAPbuilders (they even hosted the last
> meeting).

In a room with no internet access, then nobody from sun came to the Web
Services Devcon the following two days, leaving a big presence from MS (Don,
Keith (brieflly), many others) and Apache (Sam , Tom, Glen, me). The show of
hands in the audience showed that Axis and .NET were the two soap platforms
in use, BTW.

> And now (thankfully) they've joined WS-I.
> Let's hope they stay engaged.

I fear there is still a political struggle going on there. I wont go into
all the reasons I think that, but I've got some impressions.

the shame is, SOAP+EJB makes a good story for building behind-the-firewall
services; use EJB behind the scenes and then soap to talk to the server. But
there is an alternate architecture that Sun have been advocating for a long
time: EJB and RMI-IIOP everywhere. Which may make some sense technically,
but loses out to the MS story of 'adopt soap and you are never constrained
to a single language or platform; adopt RMI-IIOP as your protocol and you
are stuck to java forever'. And they have a point: interop is what makes
soap interesting. IBM are doing a better job of pushing the soap on java
story, though I dont know if they've done the soap-over-punched-cards
transport needed to make interop with OS/360 viable.


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