Hello, Anecito,!
You wrote to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:30:09 -0800:

 AAH> On the server side I would use worker thread pattern. I have not
 AAH> tried this myself yet but have hopes it will help me cut down the
 AAH> transaction times since there is not a big concurrency issue for my
 AAH> app.
Where I can find info about Worker Thread pattern

 AAH> I did ask the question in this group if the Axis servlet is single
 AAH> threaded but have not gotten an answer. If it is then there will
 AAH> always be performance issues if the transaction times are slow
 AAH> downstream of the axis servlet and due to the nature of
 AAH> request/response and http being blocking so the next http request
 AAH> into the single servlet has to wait till the last request is
 AAH> finished.
AFAIK from the source code, Servlet do not implements Single Thread Model,  it means 
there will be 1 servlet for all requests, but it doesn't mean that second request have 
to wait while first get processed.

Yours sincerely, Ivan Latysh.

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