Hi Ivan,
The worker thread pattern is mentioned in the book "Applied Java Patterns" by Stephen Stelting and Olav Maassen. I do not have the book near me but there are probably links to descriptions of this pattern on the web. It might also be referred elsewhere as Boss/Worker or dispatcher/worker pattern. I believe it is just a simple thread model where a manager thread assigns tasks to worker threads.
You mentioned the Servlet does not implement Single Thread Model so unless Tomcat does something like WebLogic where there are multiple execute threads where each execute thread is an http request then the bottleneck still is the single servlet shared amongst multiple threads rather that a pool of available servlet instances where a single thread is assigned to a single servlet instance that the Single Thread Model implies.
Many Thanks,
-----Original Message-----
From: IvanLatysh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Performance
Hello, Anecito,!
You wrote to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:30:09 -0800:
AAH> On the server side I would use worker thread pattern. I have not
AAH> tried this myself yet but have hopes it will help me cut down the
AAH> transaction times since there is not a big concurrency issue for my
AAH> app.
Where I can find info about Worker Thread pattern
AAH> I did ask the question in this group if the Axis servlet is single
AAH> threaded but have not gotten an answer. If it is then there will
AAH> always be performance issues if the transaction times are slow
AAH> downstream of the axis servlet and due to the nature of
AAH> request/response and http being blocking so the next http request
AAH> into the single servlet has to wait till the last request is
AAH> finished.
AFAIK from the source code, Servlet do not implements Single Thread Model, it means there will be 1 servlet for all requests, but it doesn't mean that second request have to wait while first get processed.
Yours sincerely, Ivan Latysh.