----- Original Message ----- 
]Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 6:20 AM
]Subject: RE: Axkit Installation on default SUSE 9.0 installation


]I had a feeling that might be the case.  It's the recompiling of
perl/apache and installing them without messing up the distro which fills me
with trepidation.  I'm not a total newbie but going as far as recompiling
these two is a little bit scary.

] Could you give me some specific pointers to how best to compile/install
them without messing up SUSE 9.0, specifically?  As I said below my current
problem seems to be with the finding of libxml2 - is that definitely going
to be cured if I recompile from source?

 By Default, the libxml2, libxslt stuff get's installed in /opt/gnome. So
the deal is to
get your replacement version installed where it will be found -before- the
RPM version
 Use $PATH for the executible side, but you need to install the library
(check /etc/modules.conf)

 I cheat... I use --prefix=/usr (for the replacement tools).  On Linux, you
don't really need to uninstall all the libraries, just make sure that
library name (libxml2.so is linked to libxml2.2.5.11.so)

 If you install from source, 1) it won't be built with libraries you don't
have (and it won't break because it was linked against a library that you
don't have.)  2.) it will come with the right set of include files.
  If you can get the same configuration as the guy who built the RPM then it
will likely work for you the same as it does for him.  It never worked for

]Any information you can provide me with on getting this running under SUSE
would be REALLY appreciated - I really want to play with Axkit but I'm
stumbling at the first hurdle!

  Read the documentation (and if you don't get it..)  Use the source


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