Yes, I had already seen the passport application, and this is indeed my 
Antonio and Anna Hurd.  The date of birth differs, though, from some other 
records, all of which however are 1844-45.

The Ribeirinha record is interesting -- where did you get it, the UMinho 
site? -- but, aside from the 7 day difference in birth date, it also 
conflicts with the information listed on his 1870 Providence marriage 
certificate, where his parents are listed (anglicized) as Manuel and Rose 
and so presumably the correct names are Manuel and Rosa.  While the 
Ribeirinha Maria Rosa may be my Rosa, it seems less likely that the 
Ribeirinha Francisco Inácio da Terra is my Manuel.

Can't wait for CCA to finish loading all of Faial, so looks like it's time 
for microfiche at the LDS FHC...

Thanks again,

David da Silva Cornell

On Friday, April 19, 2013 3:29:42 PM UTC-4, luiznoia wrote:
> Here's a better choice for Antonio Hurd. The attached Passport from 1903 
> is clearly Antonio and Anna Hurd He shows he was born at Faial on 6 Sep 1844
> António 
> Nascido(a) a 13 de Junho de 1844 - Ribeirinha
> Falecido(a)
> Pais
> Francisco Inácio da Terra 1814-1880
> Maria Rosa 1809-1844
> He states he is returning to New Bedford where he runs a boarding house. 
> The difference  of 7 days may be between birth and baptism
> Eric Edgar
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 11:12 AM, eric edgar <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Flores marriage book doesn't show anything record for  Bernardo Joze 
>> Lourenco. 
>> The 1870 census shows Anna is eighteen, as does her marriage record of 
>> the same year. That puts her birth at 1851-1852.
>> Obit for their son from Diario de Noticias attached .
>> I've searched my Flores databases for Anna with out success. I have many 
>> Coelho, Lourenco and Freitas families related to mine. 
>> I think this is the origin of your Terra family in Faial  :
>> *António Inácio da Terra*
>> *
>> *
>> * *
>> *Nascido a 25 de Abril de 1800 - Pedro Miguel*
>> *
>> *
>> *Casado a 29 de Maio de 1841 com Rosa Perpétua de Jesus 1808
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *Pais*
>> *
>> *
>> *Manuel Inácio Furtado da Terra 1773-1848
>> *
>> *Eugénia Rosa de Jesus 1771-1834*
>> The obit shows that Antonio Inacio da Terra was known as Antonio Pequeno
>> This article shows that Antonio Furtado is known as Antonio Pequeno.
>> Eric Edgar
>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 11:38 PM, David da Silva Cornell <
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> It has been several years since I last posted here, but I'm still quite 
>>> grateful for the help I received here.  After a hiatus in my research, I 
>>> have been getting back into the swing of things and could really use a 
>>> helping hand -- or, actually, helping eyes -- again.
>>> I have located what I believe is the baptismal record of my 
>>> great-great-grandmother, who emigrated to Providence at age 9, and prior to 
>>> her marriage to my great-great-grandfather Antone/Antonio Hurd (born 
>>> Antonio da Terra on Faial, son of Manuel and Roza) was known in the US 
>>> records as Anna Freitas/Frates/Fratis.
>>> Previously, I only knew that she was from Flores; that her parents were 
>>> José and Anna; that she had Lourenço and Coelho relatives; and that the 
>>> family Bible gave her birthdate as March 30, 1854.  I had no freguesia for 
>>> her, though.  
>>> Having now gone through all of the Flores parishes on the CCA site, I 
>>> have located an Anna who appears to be the only Anna born on Flores on 
>>> March 30, 1854, to a José and Anna, with Freitas and Lourenço both 
>>> among the surnames mentioned.  (I don't see Coelho, but it might be one of 
>>> the words I can't make out.)
>>> The record in question is in the records for what used to be known as 
>>> the parish of the Fajãs but apparently now (after Fajã Grande, where this 
>>> family lived, and other nearby places spun off to become their own 
>>> parishes) is known just as Fajãzinha (retaining what had once been the 
>>> church for the entire former parish of the Fajãs).  The record can be 
>>> found here:  
>>> My own painful deciphering of the handwriting -- which was very 
>>> helpfully aided by using as a template an 1854 baptismal record from the 
>>> same parish already deciphered here a year ago for Katharine Baker, which 
>>> appears in the same book and was apparently written by the same priest 
>>> (Katharine, if you read this, your ancestor is No. 18 of 1854 and mine is 
>>> no. 25 of that year, and both records include folks named Freitas, so I'd 
>>> wager we connect somewhere there) -- has resulted in what I think is an 
>>> almost complete transcription of Anna's baptismal record, but there are 
>>> still some words and/or abbreviations I just can't make out no matter how 
>>> long I stare at them (and of course I may also have made mistakes that I'm 
>>> not aware of).
>>> This is what I get, following the same line breaks as in the original, 
>>> with underlined spaces where I can't make out the words and brackets for 
>>> miscellaneous comments:
>>> Anna 
>>> [No.] 25
>>> filha de Bernardo Jozé Lourenço _____ e de Sua [mulher] Anna Emi-
>>> lia moradores na Fajangrande neta pela parte paterna de M.el [Manoel]
>>> Lourenço _____ e de Sua [mulher] Catherina de Freitaz e pela ma-
>>> terna de Antonio Rodriguez de Freitaz e de Sua mulher Marianna 
>>> de ________ o avo paterno natural da Ilha do Corvo ________ 
>>> naturaiz e freguesoz da [Parochial, i.e. modern "Paroquial"] 
>>> Igreja de N. [Nossa] Snr.a [Senhora] dos Remedioz 
>>> da freguesia das Fajans da Ilha das Florez nascio [i.e., modern 
>>> "nasceu"] aos trinta 
>>> dias do mez de Março de mil oito centos cincoenta e quatro 
>>> foi baptizada _________________ [Parochial]  pelo ___  ____ 
>>> Antonio 
>>> Jozé de Freitaz [e?] lhe pos os Santos Oleos aos dois dias do mez 
>>> de Abril do dito anno foi padrinho o __ Vigário Diogo 
>>> Antonio Jozé de Freitas _____________ Antonio [or Antonia?] P.el 
>>> [Pimentel?] e Jozé Jo-
>>> aquim.  E para constar se fiz este termo que asignei era 
>>> ut supra.
>>> De Antonio P.el [Pimentel?]
>>> De Jozé __ Joaq.m [Joaquim]
>>> O V.gro [Vigário] Diogo Antonio J. de Freitaz
>>> Any deciphering of what the blanks say, and any correction of any 
>>> mistakes I have made, would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Also, this record has led to the following questions for me:
>>> 1.  I know that this group periodically discusses some materials that 
>>> one can use to help educate oneself to read the records' handwriting 
>>> better, but I can't seem to locate a reference to where those materials can 
>>> be found.  Would someone please be kind enough to point me to them?  I know 
>>> it's only going to get harder as I go further back in time!
>>> 2.  I have noted here recurring references to a book of Flores and Corvo 
>>> marriages and to a book of Flores families...  Where can one obtain copies 
>>> of these books, if that is even possible (or, if not possible, does the LDS 
>>> Family Center network have access to copies that one can borrow)?
>>> And a final, non-Flores/Corvo question, relating to Anna's faialense 
>>> husband and his parents:
>>> 3.  I have not found my Terra ancestors in the UMinho records, nor have 
>>> I found them in the four Faial freguesias for which the CCA has records up 
>>> right now.  Does anyone have any idea when the remaining freguesias from 
>>> Faial will be up on the CCA site?
>>> With many thanks for any answers or guidance on the above,
>>> David da Silva Cornell
>>> Miami, FL
>>> Researching the following surnames:
>>> Corvo - Lourenço
>>> Faial - Terra (unknown freguesia(s))
>>> Flores - Freitas, Lourenço, Coelho (Fajã Grande, formerly in the parish 
>>> of Fajãs)
>>> Pico - Silveira Cardoso, Macedo, Machado, Pereira Madruga, Ferreira, 
>>> Cardoso, Cardoso Machado, Vieira, Bettencourt, Dutra, Castanho, Homem, 
>>> Goulart, Quaresma, Moniz, Barreto, Silveira, Mancebo, Pereira, Álvares(all 
>>> Lajes do Pico)
>>> S. Jorge - Silva, Botelho, Azevedo, Cardoso (Urzelina); Silva, Azevedo, 
>>> Cardoso (Santo António in Norte Grande)
>>> -- 
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