MIchael/Mike B,

Yes, you have the dates correct.

You found the baptism of Manuel. Babies are baptized without any last names
or religious middle names (once in a blue moon, you do see a baptism with a
2nd middle or religious name). Since you know this is your Manuel, you can
assign him the surname Botelho, since you found his marriage. However, when
you research Manuel's siblings, you will find some used Botelho and some
may have used the surname from the mom's family. Or any grandparent. Or
something that makes no sense. You don't know until you look. So don't go
assigning surnames in American style. It doesn't work that way there

Manuel was the son of Manuel Botelho and Claudina do Espirito Santo. Trust
me, I can find another Manuel Botelho married to a Claudina Something.
You'll need to keep her as Claudina do Espirito Santo. Trust me, once you
get going, you'll see what I mean by multiple names.

Don't assign the "Sr." and "Jr." If they used "Jr" it will be stated. Also
there (and in earlier American records), Junior and Senior don't mean
father and son. It means one is older and one is younger. It could be 2
cousins, or an uncle and nephew. I've resorted to referring to people with
duplicate names as Manuel Botelho 1849 and Manuel Bothelho 1825, for
example. Or naming the wife. In the Portuguese records, they will be
referred to as "otro" or "outro" (not sure of the spelling). It means
another of the same name. Literally "other." But don't worry, if you start
getting too many Manuel Botelhos in your freguesia, they will either
compound the surname (Manuel Botelho Raposo, for example) or start
assigning interesting nicknames or alcunhas (Manuel Botelho Gafanhoto -
Manuel Botelho Grasshopper - Like I said, don't translate it; it gets

To find the elder Manuel Botelho married to Claudina do Espirito Santo's
marriage, go to the marriage book and start as close to 25 Dec 1849 and
work your way back. Manuel born in 1849 was a legitimate son, meaning he
was born in wedlock. That doesn't necessarily mean 9 months. So start as
close as you can to the day before. Typically (not always), Manuel is the
eldest son. However, they could have had 3 Marias born before him (all
could live to adulthood), and 2 Manuels that died as babies. Your Manuel
was the first to make it to adulthood. Maybe the family had 9 girls before
Manuel. I don't know if 1835 is far enough back. Maybe.

I'd stick to that same village as the baptism does say it's the parish of
his parents.

You can also look for any older siblings of Manuel. That involves checking
every baptism for a child born to Manuel Botelho and Claudina do E.S. If
you go about 4 years with no kid, then Manuel is probably their first and
the marriage is probably within that same time period.

Once you get back into about the 18teens, you'll probably hit another
researcher on this list who is researching your family.

And don't be surprised when you go back far enough, that your father's
father's father's line is NOT Botelho. You'll cross over into the time
period where women DO have surnames and you'll find your line was a José da
Costa married to a Maria Botelho and their son, Francisco, took the Botelho
name to honor her line. My Mello line goes back to a Manuel Jácome married
to a Maria de Mello. That's how I got my Mello name.
Happy Hunting!
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 2:37 PM Mike B <botil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Again thank you for taking the time.
> So I think I have at least this portion straight. The baptism was for
> Manoel Botelho, on the right, same one from the marriage record earlier.
> He was born 26th of December 1849, and Baptised the 12th of January 1850.
>  Manoel Botelho was the son of Manoel Botelho, Sr?, and Claudina.
> Manoel Botelho “Sr” was the son of Jose Botelho and Delfina do Espírito
> Santo.
> At this point I need to find the marriage record from Manoel Botelho “Sr”
> and Claudina, or the Baptism record of Manoel Botelho “Sr” to get his
> birthdate/parents origins.
> Been searching for the marriage record, based on Manuel Botelho “jrs”
> birth in 1849 I can say they were possibly married sometime between
> 1835-1849?
> --
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