ooo, videos!


From: Ian Forrester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 June 2007 18:26
Subject: RE: [backstage] BBC Ofcom complaint raised

Alright alright,
Ok this is getting a little out of hand. think of this as a virtual slap :)
Can we give this a rest for a while? There's a lot of other interesting
things happening which are not being discussed.
For example did you guys see Google's Image based news service - I specially like the Chinese version - <>
Lets also not forget Hackday too soon! There's some video of the hacks being
presentated here -
We have quite a few things coming soon at Backstage including a new site and
much more.                                            

Ian Forrester

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Senior Producer, BBC Backstage
BC5 C3, Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP
p: +44 (0)2080083965



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Betteridge
Sent: 27 June 2007 17:39
Subject: Re: [backstage] BBC Ofcom complaint raised

On 27/06/07, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights allows for a
freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to hold opinions,
and to receive and *impart* information and *ideas*.

If you're saying that particular people within the BBC (or anywhere else)
were corrupt, that would be libelous were you to name them - and Article 11
doesn't give you carte blanche to libel someone without legal recourse. 

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