On 26/06/07, Martin Belam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andy, if I had been the fool in charge of it, let me assure you by now
I would be taking legal action against your repeated public
accusations of corruption and misuse of public funds by individuals
within the BBC.

Ah nuts, I must not have noticed the end of democracy, when did that happen?
In a democracy does one not have the right to question and criticise
public officials and public organisations?

Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights allows for a
freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to hold opinions,
and to receive and *impart* information and *ideas*.

It was an idea, I imparted it, is it not protected under my human rights?

However I admit I may have been incorrect, but I had ran out of other
explanations for the BBC's actions and got left with sheer
incompetence or conspiracy. I discounted the first option.

I am sorry if you where offended. Claiming that someone in the BBC may
be a MS shareholder was way too far. I apologise for that. I am
actually sorry.

I still stand by my claim that WMP DRM is not a portable solution though.

Quick question: if someone was to produce a Linux (or other OS)
iPlayer style client and server application that provided DRM
protection* based on time limiting and there was some level of country
limiting** would the BBC use it? (I would actually be genuinely
interested in an answer to this question.)

(*protection used loosely here due to previously stated immovable laws
of mathematics)
(** Determining country is not perfect. Language settings don't
necessarily determine where the user is located just what they speak.
OS may also be told a different country to where it is. IP checks can
be fooled by proxies. Should be good enough though.)


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