Just received an edition of your newsletter, thought I'd give you some quick
feedback on it from first impressions. I tried to jump in and write now
because first impressions for me are what stick and are important, so just
straight from looking at it (I will be picky but thats what you want
* Nice layout with the title and blurb, dropdown links on the right are a
nice touch - I would reduce the amount of whitespace between the 'Weather in
your area' and the dropdown, and so on for the other dropdowns. May make it
too cluttered however, give it a try and see.
* Good placement of the 08457 number advert, captures my eye well and sets
the scene for the video content - makes me think it's new and updated
* I would give 2px or so space between the right edge of the thumbnail for
the video and the descriptive text.

This was rendered in gMail. I have Thunderbird installed so will check that
out later to see if anything changes. Hope that was constructive!


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