On 11/3/22 14:41, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:
Mark Murawski wrote at about 14:29:44 -0400 on Thursday, November 3, 2022:
  > Hi Christopher,
  > Thanks for the kind response.
  > I found the possibly culprit log entry that I attached to this thread
  > just earlier.
  >    2022-11-03 08:08:49 Can't run BackupPC_zipCreate while BackupPC_dump
  > is running on host xyz

You think???? Log seems pretty clear.
Might be a good idea to look at the logs *before* bothering us with
likely phantom bugs.

Can you define how this situation is a "phantom bug".    I pretty clearly explained the lack of feedback from the UI when this condition occurs and you get sent a zero byte zip file with no explanation.

Again... unneeded hostility.  Check your attitude at home.  Everyone else has been really nice here.  Why are you doing your best to push new people away?

  > Thanks for the note on file storage. The empty paths got me really
  > worked up and panicked that we had no backups.   Perhaps I remembered
  > incorrectly from the last time I touched the filesystem about where this
  > stuff is stored.  It was a really scary and strange behavior to download
  > an empty zip file as well as an empty tar file when I tried to restore.
  > It could be an artifact of the version I'm running (4.4.0), or maybe
  > it's a lack of error checking or a bug that allows a download of an
  > empty zip with no error or warnings about the cause to the user.

Or more likely it could be an "artifact" of you not taking the minimum
effort of reading the documentation and looking at the log file.
This seems much more likely than there being a "bug" in the program.

  > I'm going to monitor this and collect some more details and see if this
  > issue is still happening after all backup jobs are complete.

Wise words to collect some more details before claiming likely
spurious bugs.

Again, not spurious and definitely is a bug.  I'll post to the appropriate channels about this to see about a nice fix for this.

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