My experiences differ vastly from yours.  I have found Bacula to be extremely 
flexible, approachable and robust.

There is a fair bit of complexity in making sure everything works together 
properly but IMO it is neither disfunctional nor unnecessarily complex.  What 
complexity does exist is necessary to provide the flexibility that is 
available in Bacula.

On Wednesday 21 November 2007 8:07:58 am Shon Stephens wrote:
> Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
> still not working correctly.

There is no possible way one could spend 4 months on Bacula and not have it 
set up properly without some sort of "stumbling block" in that person's mind 
that prevents them from "getting it right."  That "block" could be an 
assumption on their part or a lack of a base of knowledge about topics not 
covered in the Bacula documentation.

Members of this list are generally helpful in getting people through gaps in 
their knowledge, gaps in the documentation and/or other stumbling blocks when 
people are using or trying to get started Bacula.  I haven't checked the 
archives of this list, but I daresay that you probably haven't tapped into 
the awesome resource that this list represents in your Bacula-related 

To rant against Bacula when you haven't made an honest attempt to get it 
working by working with the readily available help of people of who have 
gotten it working reflects more a failure on your part than on Bacula itself.

> Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:
> Labeling tapes

I find this simple to the point that I don't need to refer to the 
documentation to type in the command.

example:  label storage=Quantum-SL3 slots=1-4,7 barcodes pool=Scratch

(Labels tapes in my Quantum-SL's slots 1 through 4 and slot 7 using their 
barcode labels and puts them in the "Scratch" pool.)

> Assigning tapes to pools

At my site, this is automated.  When I initially label them I assign them to 
the "Scratch" pool and when a new volume/tape is needed in another pool 
Bacula re-assigns one from the "Scratch" pool.  

When I need to do so manually, it's a single-line command or a menu-driven 
series of inputs to accomplish.

example:  update volname=MDX518L3 pool=MonkeySnot

(Assigns volume "MDX518L3" to pool "MonkeySnot")

> Reassigning tapes to pools

Likewise, it as above for assigning tapes to pools.

> Managing disk media

Now this I haven't worked with, as I haven't done any backing up to disks.

> Things Bacula can't seem to get right:
> Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
> Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
> right Volume label, and is marked "Append", and is from the correct
> Pool....

I think you may be mixing two seperate issues:

1.  When you change the tapes that are in a drive, bacula needs to be "told" 
to update itself, or to examine the tape(s) that are in a device again.  It's 
a simple command of "update slots" will get you a menu-driven Q&A to complete 
the process.

2. If bacula is constantly asking you to mount a tape that isn't in the drive 
even though you believe that bacula should happily use the tape that IS in 
the drive... well.  That is a hairy one.  I wrote a script that disables any 
volumes that aren't in the autochanger in order to force Bacula to 
use/recycle tapes that were loaded vs. requesting "preferable" tapes that 
were not.  I run that script as an admin job before any of my backups run 
each night.  I'd be happy to share that with you if that's the problem you're 

> Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
> recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula

As mentioned by someone else, issue a "mount" to bacula in bconsole and you'll 
be prompted.

> Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
> entries made it into the Catalog

Hrm... Wierd.  You apparently have a bad configuration thing going on 
somewhere or you aren't checking the catalog properly and coming to 
conclusion that because you can't FIND it in the catalog that it's not making 
it INTO the catalog.

I think bacula errors out of jobs when it can't write to the database, though 
I am not sure.

> Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
> its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
> depending on which part of the config you are editing

As mentioned by someone else, simply use / instead of \ in the pathnames.  
Works for me here.

If you're trying to do complex stuff with includes and excludes, yeah, it get 

> Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
> up a single system, and even then better be careful.

Then I assure you, without any ill intent towards you, that you are somehow 
missing out on the immense capabilities of Bacula.

> I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
> it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula

If I ever tried the program you mention I might agree with you that Crapula is 
terrible software.  Unfortunately that is OT for a +Bacula+ mailing list.

If you want help with Bacula, great.  I for one will try to help.  If you do 
not and only wanted to vent your spleen, good luck with Arkeia and Toodles!  
See ya later!  Adiose!  Hasta luego!  And stuff...

Flak Magnet (Tim)

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