> On 3/20/04 1:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I think Baha'is *would* capitalize Frequented Fane, for it is
> > reference to the Manifestation as the Temple of God.
> I don't think so.
 The fact that the Bab used 'freqwuented
> fane' as a metaphor for the earthly body of the Manifestation does not
> mean that Muhammad did.

Dear Don,

You forget that my original statement was that a *Baha'i* would capitalize
it, not a Muslim, not even Muhammad. The Bab, in utilizing that metaphor is
very deliberately tying Himself to this particular apocalyptic surih. Now,
I'm quite prepared to admit that prophecy may come to mean something else
from what it meant when it was originally revealed, but at the same time we
need to be clear that both the Bab and Baha'u'llah saw Themselves as the
fulfillment of this surih. And apparently that isn't even unique to Them,
for in the sermon which Khazeh kindly translated for us we find Ali saying:
"Verily, I am the leader of the righteous, the Sacred Fane frequented by
all, the upraised firmament, the fathomless ocean."

But perhaps that raises the whole question as to the nature of prophecy and
its fulfillment?

warmest, Susan

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