On 10/27/05, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm suggesting that your basic thesis is wrong.

> What do you think my thesis is?"

> Dear Gilberto,
> That ethical principles and values have been constant over time.


> "If you aren't even sure if the
> Israelites received those commands (which are clearly contained in
> Deuteronomy) why argue tooth-and-nail that those commandments are
> justified?"

> I didn't argue that point 'tooth and nail.'

Not just you but other people in here as well.

> I *am* arguing that we can't
> disallow the possibility those commands *did* come from God because
> according to present day standards we find them distasteful.

I don't believe wholesale, indiscriminate, total genocide of an entire
ethnic group is a just matter of taste.

> "I specifically explained
> what I meant by genocide and what I am refering to as "genocide" for
> the purposes of this particular discussion is different from what was
> done to Banu Qurayzah."

> Yes, I understand that you are defining genocide in a way that would include
> what the OT represents God as commanding and exclude what Muhammad did. I
> find that too convenient.

Convenience of the definition isn't really the issue. Whether you call
it "genocide" or whether you call it "picking flowers" it is still
clear that a certain policy of killing certain nations is found in the
Jewish Torah, but that the same behavior is clearly prohibited by
Islamic rules and conditions for warfare.

> "Secondly, You are totally ignoring the explanation given by Karen
> Armstrong."
> No, I'm not. I understand all the possible explanations just as I can
> understand the possible explanations for eliminating the Canaanites.

Then you should just give them.

>  "There are specific reasons for why the particular actions
> taken against Banu Qurayzah saved lives."
> The same could be said for the Canaanites who practiced baby sacrifices.

That explanation doesn't hold water if the Israelite army was killing
Canaanite babies themselves.
> "Thirdly, please don't ever ever say that you love and respect Islam
> and Muhammad if you are going to equate Muhammad with Milosevic."

> I don't.

You accused both of genocide.


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