The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> You mean the same Imams whom Bahaullah called
> " the manifestations of the power of God, and the
> sources of His authority, and the repositories of His knowledge, and
> the daysprings of His commandments."?

As I said, I don't know how authentic those ahadith are.

> I'm not saying that people aren't being mistreated. I'm primarily
> questioning how the mistreatment is being framed. You want to blame
> Islam or Muslims as Muslims.

I believe the issue was najas, not Islam or Muslims.

> You are missing the point. I'm not saying that it is "just" Jews. If
> anything, it is "just" Persians (of a certain era). Maybe you should
> blame the Safavids and their legacy instead of Islam.

I think the fact that the Safavids forcibly converted Iran to Shi'ism
was a problem, but the intolerance towards religious minorities was
introduced by the 'ulama brought in from Iraq, so it isn't just an
Iranian thing.
> I think you are mischaracterizing what "the ulama" are saying. And
> they don't speak with one voice. Grand Ayatolla Sistani and Grand
> Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani both explicitly hold that Jews and
> Christians are ritually clean. And Sistani is basically the highest
> ranking 12-er cleric in Iraq.

If they say Baha'is are not najas I'll be impressed.

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