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No. The verse in question is:
[Yusufali 9:28] O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let
them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And
if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of
His bounty, for Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.

And what I'm saying is that in the Hanafi view (note that the Hanafis
are the most populous interpretation of Sunni Islam... the Ottomans
and the Mughals were Hanafi), in the above verse, Pagans are being
described as unclean in a spiritual sense. NOT in a physical sense and
not in a sense that relates to laws about najas (ritual impurity) and
should not be used to justify a social system where non-Muslims have


Saudi Arabia is Hanbali, actually the only palce in the world where that 
specific jurisprudence exists.
That's a map from wikipedia.

Sunni jurisprudences:
According to the map Maliki jurisprudence covers the most territory.
Shafi jurisprudence covers Indonesia which is the most populous Muslim county 
and some other areas.
Hanafi jursiprudence does cover most of the Middle East.
Hanbali jurisprudence covers Saudi Arabia, just Saudi Arabia.

Shia jurisprudences:
Jafari jurisprudence covers Iran, Iraq, and Azerbaijan.
Zaidi juriprudence covers Yemen.

Other juriprudences:
Ibadi jurisprudence covers Oman.

So, if you want to go to Saudi Arabia, knowledge of Hanbali jursiprudence is an 
absolute prerequisite.


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