The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:00 PM, Naison Jones <>wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Interesting. The mature and deapening of ideas is rather difficult when you
> have priests telling you to kill infidels, and declare holy war on other
> countries, but thats ok.

I'm not going to argue about this point. I would recommend that you look at
Islamic intellectual history, especially as it connects to the Bahai faith.
For example, the Shaykhi movement. Or the Sufis who had communication with

> Do you really think in 2000 years time the new muslims arriving and
> declaring their belief in that time will have a deeper understanding of
> Islam than the ones now?

I think that in 2000 years, Islam as a civilization will have more jewels,
more treasures in it, intellectually, creatively, artistically,
theologically. etc. So the new Muslim at that time will have more resources
to sustain them.

Older a religion gets the more remote it becomes that is just how things
> are.

Some things are definitely lost with time, but other things are built up.

>  The Kitáb-i-Íqán
> Do you think this applies to the behaviour of the current leaders of
> religion? If you agree with this statement do you think any of these leaders
> are following it or putting it into practice?
> Nope they are like sheep following the sheep. Blind following the blind.
> One priest stands up and declares something and everyone follows despite
> being something absurd.

I'm not sure which passage you specifically wanted a comment on, but even in
the Bahai Faith there have been a number of different financial scandals and
sex scandals among the leadership. Religious organizations, across the
board, have potential challenges with leadership, with some structures
being  more transparent, democratic, flexible, etc. than others.

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