The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Naison Jones <> wrote:
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Ok. That being the case do you witness old religions of the distant past
> like the Abrahamic religion persisting today, possessing saints and
> followers who are the progress of mankind?


> Your point being that a religion matures and evolves given time should show
> that older religions are maintained in the world. If you look however Im
> sure youll see a clear trend.

What trend is clear?

> Islam numbers in the world is great and so is Christianity and they are both
> new religions.

I don't think I would call either new. Especially compared to faiths
like the Bahai Faith.

 Then go back some more and older religions become less and
> less.
> Everything eventually dies and becomes renewed and the Very old religions
> like Budhism do not relfect how they were when they came at all (according
> to Abdul'Baha).

I think you are making a different kind of point. Even Buddhism today
is different from the teachings of the historical Buddha, you could
argue that Buddhist philosophy and thought represents a growing and
developing tradition of people who gradually getting a deeper and
deeper understanding of the nature of the mind/person/soul/desires.

> If you really think that the Behaviour of Bahais is comparable to say the
> incidence of Christian ministers who have been convicted of child abuse for
> example as a percentage then what more can I say?

And I know I've read examples of other similar cases.

> Those who are in the position of power whose responsibility is to act like
> saints themselves more so than the religious populous and yet you see how
> the Muslim priests caused the death of the Bab and persecution of
> Baha'u'llah in teh same way as the Jewish ones cause the death of Jesus.
> Then ask the question if religion need not be renewed when the leaders
> themselves are doing this things then when does it need to be renewed? Why
> do you think all thousands marytres died in Iran? Was it because the
> Government was scared of people becoming Bahais? Think about it. The Crown
> shouldnt give a dam that people become Bahais its the Priests that are
> afriad of losing their power..

I think you are oversimplifying some complex situations. But even
putting that aside for the moment, the actions of a few in the past
are not enough to invalidate an entire religion.

> So how many Babis must die before people realise that the spirit of Islam
> has not been maintained?

> What was the sin of the Babis that they deserved these things? According to
> the Muhammadan dispensation. And lastly What is the overall point of
> religion if it does not translate into the saintly actions of men? ie is
> there a point saying prayers five times a day of not eating pork if you are
> willing to comit such atrocities?

I didn't commit any atrocities. Yeah, this is how anti-semitism arose
in Europe. You are blaming a whole group for the actions of a few.

> What is the point of Christianity if its very saints and leaders comit these
> child abuses reflecting a far higher incidence than is apparant in the
> populoce of normal people who dont even beleive in God?

You seem awfully quick to make generalizations.

> You are saying that we should consider these people with a sin-covering eye,
> but truly they are supposed to be the exemplaries of their religion and yet
> you see them acting like bloodthirsty beasts. Tell me then that religion
> needs not to be renewed.
So when you observe personal shortcomings or vices in members of the
AO you would convert to another religion?


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