Mbak Asrita,
Sepengetahuan saya, untuk supplement selama kehamilan, ada satu vitamin yang
cukup penting, Vitamin B atau Folic Acid, vitamin ini untuk mencegah birth
defect (diminum terutama pada kehamilan muda). Jadi bisa dilihat di label
kaleng, apakah sudah mengandung vitamin tsb, kalo tidak, boleh saja minum susu
biasa, dengan minta dokter untuk vitamin Folic Acid tersendiri (antara 400 -
800 mcg).
Ini ada salah satu artikel dari web March of Dimes Foundation ttg Folic Acid
Semoga bermanfaat.
Research shows that a B vitamin called folic acid can greatly reduce the
chance of a baby being born with neural tube defects by helping to make sure
that the spine develops properly. Medical studies have shown that women who
increase their intake of folic acid at the time their baby's spine is forming
reduce the risk of having a baby with these conditions.
The simplest way to make sure you get enough folic acid to benefit your baby
is to take folic acid supplement every day.
A folic acid supplement is important because, although folic acid can be found
in many foods you may eat every day, it would be very difficult to get enough
to help protect your baby from spina bifida through your normal daily diet
What is folic acid?
Folic acid is a B vitamin. It is available as a supplement and is also used to
fortify some foods, such as bread and breakfast cereals (you can tell which
ones by looking at the label). Folic acid is also known as folate when it
occurs naturally in a variety of foods such as brussels sprouts, green beans,
oranges and yeast and beef extracts.
How do you get enough folic acid?
To protect your baby against neural tube defects like spina bifida, you need
more folic acid than you can get from your daily diet - in fact, it is
estimated that you need three times the amount you could normally expect to
eat in one day.
Because of this doctors and other health professionals recommend that if you
could become pregnant, you should do three things:
take a 400 microgram folic acid supplement (this may also be written as 400mcg
or 0.4mg)
choose breads and breakfast cereals which have added folic acid ('fortified'
breads and cereals). Look for information about this on the label
eat more of the foods which are naturally high in folic acid and do not
overcook them.
Multivitamin supplements may also contain some folic acid but are likely to
contain less than you need. Do not be tempted to take more of these to give
you the right amount of folic acid, as you may end up taking too much of other
vitamins and minerals. The best way is to take a supplement which contains
400mcg folic acid only.
When is the right time to start taking extra folic acid?
>From the time you stop using contraception until the twelfth week of
pregnancy. Doctors and other health professionals recommend that if you could
become pregnant, whether you are trying for a baby or not, you should take a
supplement of 400mcg of folic acid each day. This is because it is difficult
to tell exactly when you conceive. Some of the most vital developments in your
baby, including the development of your baby's spine, take place very soon
after conception, even before you realise that you are pregnant.
So you need to take a folic acid supplement from the time you stop using
contraception until the twelfth week of pregnancy to make sure you have enough
folic acid in your body at the right time.
Is a folic acid supplement really necessary?
Yes it is because it would be very difficult to eat enough of the foods which
contain folic acid every day to give you the amount needed to help prevent
neural tube defects. For example, you would need to eat five portions of
brussels sprouts every day to get enough.
Even then you could not be sure because folic acid is lost when food is stored
for a long time. Folic acid is also destroyed when food is cooked, especially
if vegetables are boiled for a long time.
So the only way to be sure that you are getting the right amount to help
protect your baby is to take a 400mcg folic acid supplement.
March of Dimes Birth Defect Foundation.
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