Dear netters.

Ini saya berikan cuplikan mengenai "Austism" yang saya ambil dari Web site

What Is Autism? 

Autism is a serious disorder of behavior and communication. In its mildest
form, autism may resemble a learning disability. The more severe forms of
autism involve bizarre behavior that can even involve self-injury. Symptoms
of autism may be noticed in the first three years of life. Infants who
resist cuddling and don't respond to their environment may be showing early
signs of autism. 

How Many Children Have Autism? 

Fifteen children out of every 10,000 are born with autism. The condition is
four times more common in boys than in girls. 

How Do You Know If Your Child Has Autism? 

A child with autism will have most of the following characteristics *: 

*Delayed physical, social and learning development. *Abnormal ways of
relating to people. An autistic child will usually avoid eye contact and
physical touching. *Unusual attachment to inanimate objects like toys,
strings, spinning objects. *A need for a rigid, highly structured routine.
*Repetitive movements such as head banging, spinning and rocking. These
activities may be continued even when they cause self-injury to the child.
*Abnormal responses to sensations - light, sound, touch. A child with autism
may act as if he/she is deaf. *Speech problems. A child with autism has
immature speech patterns and may use words without understanding their
meanings. *Very high or low activity levels. *Insensitivity to pain.
*Impulsive behavior. No real fear of dangers. *Frequent crying and tantrums
for no apparent reason. 

* Some of these symptoms may occur in children with other disabilities. 

What Causes Autism? 

Autism has been linked to several causes - untreated phenylketonuria (PKU),
rubella (three-day measles virus), celiac disease (an inability to tolerate
gluten in grains) and chemical exposures during pregnancy. There is no
evidence that autism is caused by any factors in the child's psychological

How Is Autism Diagnosed? 

Since there are no medical tests that can diagnose autism, children must be
observed to see if their behavior patterns are consistent with autism.
Symptoms can change as the child grows older; so it is important for parents
to give as complete a medical history as possible. 

How Can You Help A Child With Autism? 

Multidisciplinary Team: A child with autism needs the coordinated services
of a team of specialists including a special education teacher, language
pathologist, clinical psychologist and child development specialist. Parents
are also an essential part of this treatment team. 

Medication: Diet and medication can sometimes help in cases of autism
involving metabolic abnormalities. Other medications have been used to
relieve certain symptoms of autism, but there is no "cure" for autism at
this time. 

Treatment Strategies: There are six goals of treatment for children with

1) Stopping the bizarre and inappropriate behavior that prevents a child
with autism from relating to and communicating with others. 

2) Increasing attention to purposeful activity span develop perceptual
skills needed to work on educational tasks. 

3) Helping the child with self care skills. 

4) Providing opportunities for the child to socialize appropriately with

5) Stimulating the quantity and quality of language to increase
communication skills. 

6) Training parents to help provide these educational and social

Education: A child with autism will benefit from a highly structured,
individualized educational program. Speech therapy can help develop language
skills. Special efforts should be made to help a child with autism learn to
relate as normally as possible to family and peers. 

Counseling: Meeting the challenges of raising a child with autism can be
difficult for any family. Counseling services can serve as a relief valve to
release some of the pressure that can build up in a family that is coping
with a complex disability like autism. 

What Is In The Future For Children With Autism? 

The National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and
Stroke (NINCDS) is sponsoring a study to determine the best methods for
training children in language and communication skills. 

Can Autism Be Prevented? 

Since some cases of autism have been associated with chemical exposure
during pregnancy, it is important to avoid all unnecessary exposure to
drugs, chemicals and other potentially toxic environmental substances during
pregnancy. Early diagnosis and treatment of PKU (phenylketonuria) and celiac
disease will also reduce the risk of a child having autism. Immunization
prior to pregnancy can prevent rubella-associated autism. 

> ----------
> From:         Linda Kurniawati[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Tuesday, August 03, 1999 12:38 PM
> Subject:      Re: [balita-anda] Tidak perdulian
> Ibu Dian,
> Berdasar perilaku anak Ibu dan kesamaannya dengan anak teman saya,
> kemungkinan anak Ibu menderita apa yang disebut dengan 'Autism'. Tetapi
> saya sendiri juga tidak tahu terlalu banyak. Mungkin sahabat netters ada
> yang lebih tahu. Atau Ibu bisa mencari info di Lembaga Autism yg ada di
> Jkt.
> "Dian Soedharyo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/02/99 10:35:13 AM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:    (bcc: Linda Kurniawati/HMS/Sampoerna)
> Subject:  [balita-anda] Tidak perdulian
>      Sahabat netters,
>      Anak saya (baru satu) lelaki berumur 23 bulan. Mungkin masalah saya
>      dapat dibantu oleh sesama rekan netters yang lain. Perkembangan
>      tubuhnya bagus, kemampuan mengingatnya pun sangat memuaskan sekali
> dan
>      dia sehat. Tapi anak saya tidak pernah perduli kalau dipanggil
>      namanya. Dia tidak tuli, loh. Sampai-sampai kalau mau
> mengingatkannya,
>      kami harus berteriak dan membentaknya. Tapi dia tetap tidak perduli.
>      Kalau dia sedang bermain-main, dia bisa asyik sendiri sampai
>      berjam-jam. Tidak mau makan, tidak mau minum, dipanggil juga tidak
>      menoleh. Ahasil cara mengalihkan perhatiannya ya mau gak mau
> diangkat.
>      Akibatnya dia bisa ngambek. Saya mengerti, bahwa anak kecil suka
>      berkhayal. Tapi bukankah itu terjadi pada balita dan bukan batita
>      seperti anak saya?
>      Saya dan suami tidak pernah melarangnya melakukan sesuatu. Kami jadi
>      harus rajin mengikuti dia dan mengawasinya dari dekat. Kalau
>      kebanyakan dilarang, kami takut dia tidak pintar-pintar. Apakah
> karena
>      kami membebaskannya lantas dia jadi begitu? Ataukah itu normal?
> Apakah
>      kalau didiamkan akan berkembang menjadi sifat yang lebih buruk? Mohon
>      kami dapat dibagi pengalaman dari rekan netters yang lain. Thanks
> Kunjungi:
> "Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"
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