Mbak Tutik,
Memang dilema ya masalah botol ini, Dafi sendiri
kadang masih harus pakai botol kalau sedang nggak mau
minum dari gelas. Ini ada tips dari Baby centre untuk
secara bertahap melepas ketergantungan anak terhadap
botol. Kalau mbak akan mulai melaksanakan program ini
perlu dipikirkan alternatif pemberian susu di siang
hari dengan mencampur dengan makanan dan minuman lain
agar kebutuhan susu nya terpenuhi (untuk usia 1-2
tahun minimal 3 gelas = 600 ml).

Mamanya Dafi

Sleep Concerns: Pacifiers / Bottles as Sleep Aids 
Why it happens 
Giving your baby a bottle of milk or formula in his
crib is an easy — but ill-advised — way to get him to
sleep. Not only will he come to expect more bottles at
night and depend on them to get to sleep, but leaving
a bottle in your sleeping infant's mouth can cause
tooth decay.
There's nothing wrong with using a pacifier to help
your baby get to sleep; it's often the only way to
soothe an inconsolable child. But you don't want your
baby to become too dependent on his binky; babies who
use pacifiers may take longer to sleep through the
night. Part of developing healthy sleep habits is
teaching your child to fall asleep on his own. 
What you can do about it 
You can break your child's association between the
bottle and bedtime by slowly decreasing and then
stopping nighttime feedings. Start by cutting the
amount of milk in the bottle by an ounce or two each
feeding. Continue reducing the amount of milk or
formula by one ounce over the next week. At the same
time, increase the amount of time between feedings by
30 minutes.
Your baby will probably cry when you don't immediately
respond to his demands, but consistency and firmness
are the keys to success.
If you think your child has become too dependent on a
pacifier, begin to cut back on daytime pacifier use.
When you first start withholding the pacifier,
your child will probably protest. Try diverting his
attention with a new toy or activity. Once he gets
used to not having a pacifier during the day, he'll   
     eventually give it up at night.

--- tutik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mbak Riefna, bagaimana ya salah satu caranya untuk
> mengurangi ketergantungan
> kepaada botol ini ya.  Soalnya anakku (13 bulan)
> bisa minum susunya kalau
> mau berangkat tidur sama tengah malam satu kali. 
> Kalau nggak begitu, minum
> susunya sedikit.

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