Mamanya Dafi,
Bagaimana dengan steril ?? apakah dilarang juga ??

-----Original Message-----
From:   mamanya Dafi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, August 25, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject:        RE: [balita-anda] KB hati-hati yaaa..

Bu Hani,
Mohon maaf sebelumnya, namun yang saya tahu fatwa MUI
tidak melarang penggunaan IUD untuk KB. Sebagaimana
hasil ijtihad para ulama internasional, yang dilarang
adalah menghilangkan kemampuan seseorang secara
permanen untuk mempunyai keturunan. Jadi yang
diharamkan adalah vasektomi,tubektomi atau
histerektomi sedangkan KB yang lain sifatnya hanya
sementara membuat seseorang tidak subur namun begitu
dilepas maka insya Allah bisa hamil lagi. Saya coba
cari dari MUI tapi tidak ketemu, berikut saya copykan
dari Islam-Modern Religion sebagai dasar argumen.

Mamanya Dafi

Hence, Muslims should never abort or kill their
children out of fear of poverty. It is
     Allah who provides for them. 

     Based on the above points and numerous others,
the scholars who participated in
     the research on this question came up with the
following resolution: 

          It is not allowed to enact a general law
that limits the freedom of spouses in
          having children. 
          It is forbidden to "permanently" end a man's
or a woman's ability to produce
          children, such as by having a hysterectomy
or vasectomy, as long as that is
          not called for by circumstances of necessity
according to its Islamic
          It is permissible to control the timing of
births with the intent of distancing
          the occurrences of pregnancy or to delay it
for a specific amount of time, if
          there is some Shariah need for that in the
opinion of the spouses, based on
          mutual consultation and agreement between
them. However, this is
          conditioned by that not leading to any harm,
by it being done by means that
          are approved in the Shariah and that it not
do anything to oppose a current
          and existing pregnancy. 

--- "Hani, Umi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Menurut pengetahuan yang saya tahu dari Guru ngaji,
> KB dengan IUD memang
> masih dipertentangkan, karena sistem kerja dari IUD
> itu bukan mengacak
> hormon, tapi membunuh sperma yang kemungkinan
> bertemu dengan sel telur.
> Jadi, kalau bisa sih KB dengan cara yang lain aja
> ... walaupun dokter saya
> mengatakan, katanya IUD-lah yang paling aman, karena
> tidak memasukkan
> hormon, tapi .... I don;t believe it .....

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