On 12 Jul 2000, Kevin Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thomas
>>>>>> E Deweese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: "RW" == Ronan Waide
>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> RW> Just to poke my oar in here; There should, in CVS, be a big chunk
> RW> of code for merging/syncing any old bbdb into your regular bbdb.
> Thomas>     I'd like to start some sort of architectural discussion on
> Thomas>     this topic. Over the long US holiday I finally got
> Thomas>     together a web page for my Palm<->BBDB conduit:
> Thomas> http://home.rochester.rr.com/tsdeweese/SyncBBDB.html


>  There's supposed to be a patched version of SyncAB that understands
>  BBDB, but the links to it point to a site that no longer seems to
>  exist :-(

For what it's worth, the conduit that Thomas wrote is the /only/ one I
found that handled my ~450 record BBDB without exploding over one or
more of the names.

If you do use the others, watch out and keep good backups. :)


My fate cannot be mastered; it can only be collaborated with and thereby, to
some extent, directed. Nor am I the captain of my soul; I am only the noisiest
        -- Aldous Huxley

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