This is getting pretty off topic for bbdb-info.  If you have more
SyncBBDB specific questions please direct them to me directly.

>>>>> "KD" == Kevin Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

KD>  Just downloaded [SyncBBCB] and tried it. I started uising
KD> PilotManager last week

KD>  But it doesn't work for me:

KD> /usr/local/bin/perl5: fatal: relocation error: file
KD> /home/tkld/pilotmgr/lib/perl5/sun4-solaris/auto/MD5/ symbol
KD> Perl_safemalloc: referenced symbol not found

KD>  Looks like a perl/PilotManager bug (or at least in the
KD> precompiled MD5 package) - maybe I'm using the wrong version of
KD> perl.

    That's what it looks like to me.  You could try going to the MD5
link from my SyncBBDB page, and building it yourself (you would
probably need to remove/replace the in the pilotmgr dist)

    However, I would guess that some of the other precompiled libs
will give you problems (mabey not...).

KD> - I was using Sun's PDAsync, but that has no AvantGo support
KD> (although saying that I can't get MALsync to work with
KD> PilotManager either...).

    I've used it with moderate success.  The 'trick' I've noticed is
that _usually_ if you happen to use malsync twice in one day it works
the second time.

What I do:

    Put malsync last on the sync list.  Then if I notice it sitting
there forever (~80% of first of day syncs) I'll kill the malsync
process, often PilotManager will complete normally.  Then if I really
want my AvantGo or I just happen to sync again later in the day it
will usually succeed (~80%).  I've tried looking at the malsync source
in the debugger but it's so full of timeouts and retries I can't tell
what is confusing it (it really, really, really wants to be
multi-threaded).  I just hope the guy keeps working on it. :)

                                                        Thomas DeWeese
                          "The only difference between theory and practice is
                           that in theory there isn't any." -- unknown

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