>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Kevin> [Did I miss the beginning of this ?]

I guess, I forwarded parts a personal reply from Thomas - Please excuse
Thomas - I wasn't paying attention that it was not for the list.

    Kevin>  Do I take it you do use Windows and use Emacs/BBDB with
    Kevin> Windows ?

I use my Windows desktop primarily as an X-server and run Emacs on a
remote workstation.  However, one application which I use very
frequently is Quicken which I synch with my Palm via Qmate - I neither
know of Quicken for Linux nor a conduit for Qmate for PilotManager.

    Kevin>  IIRC SyncBBDB comes with a minimal harness for running it
    Kevin> without PilotManager. Of course you'd have to run it
    Kevin> separately from your regular hotsyncs; I managed that for a
    Kevin> while to get AvantGo, but I only needed to do it once a day.

Cool, I overread that one. This will do the trick for me hopefully.

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