Ernst Taumberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a bbdb file with more than 2000 entries and I don't see any slow down
> in the use of bbdb (I added the bulk of it in one go -- imported company
> phonebook).

You won't see it for some time; the bbdb-hashtable is an obarray, so
lookup of entries in the BBDB database will be as efficient as lookup of
symbols in Emacs.

If your BBDB database gets seriously big, you might have to take a look
at (and perhaps raise) the OBARRAY_SIZE variable in `src/symbols.c' in
the Emacs or XEmacs distribution (of course if you raise it whatever
number you raise it to must be prime).

OBARRAY_SIZE is 16411 in XEmacs, which is more than large enough; but I
hear that it is only 1511 in GNU Emacs, so you'll be having some
overhead for bucket searching with a 6000-element db on GNU Emacs.

You probably won't care in either case until the db reaches about 50k
elements, anyway.

`Normally, we don't do people's homework around here, but Venice 
 is a very beautiful city, so I'll make a small exception.'
        --- Robert Redelmeier compromises his principles
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